La senadora del PP por Navarra, Amelia Salanueva

The senator of the PP for Navarra, Amelia Salanueva, today asked the unique Administrator of RTVE, Rosa María Mateo, to "stop using RTVE as a tool at the service of the Socialist Party and a transmission belt for the propaganda of the Government of Pedro Sánchez, and worry about the black future that your management has drawn for the more than 6,500 RTVE professionals ”.

Salanueva was referring to this, in the course of a question to Mateo in the Senate Committee on Parliamentary Control of the RTVE Corporation. "Less inflate your soflama speeches and a little more respect for a public service that you have put on the brink of starvation and those who work in it," he said.

The PP senator from Navarra recalled the words of Rosa María Mateo herself, in which she criticized the control action of the Popular Parliamentary Group, with statements such as: “I am concerned that attempts are being made to discredit more than 6,000 professionals ”- Rosa María Mateo, May 26, 2020-. Thus, Salanueva has pointed out that "with a frequency that is unacceptable and provocative, you discredit legitimate criticism, attacking anyone who doubts your management and ensuring that our control work is an affront to RTVE professionals."

"When we criticize the ideological bias, the fanaticism or the information manipulation that you protect, apologize or jelly, we are not insulting the workers of RTVE we are making use of the same right that you exercise to defend that, who does not think like Rosa María Mateo, He has no idea ”, remarked the PP senator.

Thus, Amelia Salanueva has asked Mateo to accept, with a minimal democratic sense, that criticism is something that we can and should exercise to try to correct a course that seems inappropriate to us, or "when we feel attacked by the shameless sectarianism of RTVE "

In this sense, the senator from Navarra has remarked to Mateo that when he says to defend the RTVE workers, “it is when you have to start shaking because: Do you think that the RTVE workers are defended putting at risk the viability of the public entity ? Do you defend the future of RTVE workers by generating debt? ”Salanueva asked.

Likewise, the PP senator has insisted Mateo, if he guarantees the future of RTVE with almost marginal audience and acceptance rates; if it supports the workers alleging a shortage of resources for their own production and thus justifies hiring others; or if workers are protected by suppressing the territorial news.

"Is the staff supported by making an ERE so that, as happened in 2006, 4,500 workers over 52 years old go home at a cost of more than 1.7 billion euros?", He ended up asking the RTVE Administrator.

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