Salvador Illa, who has participated in the monographic meeting on coronavirus of the European Council for Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumers (EPSCO) in Brussels (Belgium), has defended the leadership of the Public Health authorities in the management of this crisis.
"Measures that guarantee the availability of the necessary resources to deal with the coronavirus such as through joint purchase are especially necessary," said the Minister of Health before his European colleagues.
The minister has stressed the need for "mutual support, where required, and solidarity measures" on issues such as the supply and purchase of medical devices intended to contain the coronavirus.
Salvador Illa has expressed the solidarity of Spain with the great efforts "that we know" are being made to contain the virus in risk areas. "However," he added, "the situation is worrying and involves a serious risk."
"It is very relevant to ensure the coherence and consistency of the measures taken in these areas," he said. "It must be ensured that what is prohibited inside them cannot be done outside them, with the travel or travel recommendations that this should be done and that the Member States must commit ourselves to adopt ".
Minister Illa has transferred "the firm and permanent" commitment of Spain to ensure coherence in European and international action and explained that, in our country, "we are acting according to international recommendations with the highest inter-territorial and inter-ministerial coordination ".
The Minister of Health has recalled some of the measures implemented in Spain as the constitution of an Interministerial Commission that has already held four meetings, most of them technical; the four extraordinary meetings with the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System with all communities; and the elaboration of specific documents and protocols for health professionals made with all scientific societies.
In addition, the External Health teams have been reinforced and recommendations have been updated for travelers moving to risk areas.
"In short, we are acting according to international criteria and recommendations, with maximum coordination with the autonomous communities and between the different departments of the Government," said Salvador Illa.
The minister recalled that the Ministry of Health is working under four essential principles: decision making based on scientific evidence; permanent monitoring; coordination with the autonomous communities and at European and international level; and information transparency.