The president of VOX, Santiago Abascal, has been the protagonist of a new interview published by ABC this Monday, it is the first interview granted after the last elections of November 10.

In it, he has assessed the ruling of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), on which he has stated the following: "The" Eurosumisos "ask us to abide by and respect this new humiliation in Spain in silence. But the only thing to defend and respect is the National sovereignty, what It belongs to all Spaniards and it cannot be questioned from dark offices in Brussels or in infamous negotiations between the Government of Sanchez and the declared enemies of the nation ».

Faced with this, and asked about a possible immunity of Puigdemont In a hypothetical visit to Spain, he assured that «we must stop it and put it to judicial disposition. We must continue to demand these theoretical allies that we have in Europe that respect our national sovereignty because that is to respect our coexistence, the constitutional order and the security in the streets ».

The topics discussed have not been limited to international or European politics, but have covered another series of issues such as parliamentary policy, the governance of Spain or the strong growth of VOX in the last year, on which it has stated that «VOX has been seen as a force of unity and national harmony that has managed to confront the separatist discourse and that of historical revenge, driven by Sánchez by exhuming Franco. Our message has been clear and has arrived in these times of anxiety as an alternative to the ideological dictatorship of the left ».

The interview, published this morning, can be consulted in its entirety in the following link:

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