The deputy of VOX in the General Meeting of the Principality, Sara Álvarez Rouco, has reminded the Minister of Social Rights and Welfare at the appearance of the COVID-19 Follow-up Working Group “their obligation to purge responsibilities in the departments that are of their competence, according to the worrying numbers of deaths in nursing homes ”. This has been transferred by the deputy during her speech, in which she has also urgently requested the preparation of a contingency plan for possible outbreaks. "It is necessary to adopt concrete measures and anticipate this situation," he points out, adding that "according to the figures of the centers for the elderly, which, regrettably, register more than 54% of the deceased, they should consider that their strategy it was not the most effective. ”

In this sense, Álvarez Rouco, has indicated that on March 31, VOX already requested that the tests be carried out universally for public and private health centers, auxiliaries and residents of the Third Age centers, and yet, “it is not took into account despite the fact that we insisted again on the appearance of last week ”. For this reason, after learning that Asturias has rapid tests, the deputy has insisted today on knowing if the tests will be carried out in all centers, and if so, if there is a calendar, and an explanation of why it has not been considered the VOX proposal.

Also, Álvarez Rouco has once again recalled VOX's concern for all the elderly and, especially in these hard times, for all those who die alone without the accompaniment of their loved ones and their environment. For this reason, she has asked the counselor if she plans to implement some type of measure to reverse this situation. In addition, the deputy indicated that VOX Asturias already presented on April 11 a Proposition no Law (PNL) to the General Board of the Principality urging the regional Executive to enable the necessary means in the centers and hospitals of the region "to allow that admitted people enjoy the right to be accompanied by their family, emotional or social environment at the end of their lives, guaranteeing the right of patients to say goodbye to their loved ones with a death in the greatest dignity that health and safety of all Asturians ”. “We are pleased to hear from the Welfare Counselor that they are already working on it and that they have taken into account the proposal of our Parliamentary Group. We hope and trust that this will be the case and that they will take urgent measures ”, clarifies the deputy.

Finally, in his speech, Álvarez Rouco asked about the request made by private residences to transfer all positives to hospitals.

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