• Alerts for clues sent by financial institutions account for 78.6% of the total
  • Communications from non-financial entities have increased 41% compared to the previous year

Sepblac processed 4,990 communications of suspicious transactions in 2016, which represents an increase of 4.89% over a year earlier. In the last five years, these actions have experienced an increase of 63% thanks to the greater vigilance, both of financial institutions and other sectors of obliged subjects. Published statistics highlight the growing awareness of different sectors in the need to prevent these crimes.

Communications by indication sent by financial institutions account for 78.6% of the total in 2016. In the case of banks, matters referred to Sepblac amount to 2,646. The configuration of the Spanish financial system has been directly affected by the bank restructuring process, which has been directly reflected in the figures on communications sent to Sepblac. Hence, savings banks have only sent five communications per indication in 2016, which is motivated by the practical disappearance of this class of entities.

Non-financial entities reported 18.5% of total communications in 2016. In recent years, there has been a gradual increase by these non-financial professional entities, which in 2016 have increased by 41% compared to previous exercise, until reaching 922 communications. In particular, notaries and registrars continue to play an important role in the Spanish money laundering prevention system.

Not only the communications and alerts of operations come from private entities, but the number of alerts generated by public agencies continues to grow significantly in the last two years. In 2016, they reached 94, which represents an increase of 88% compared to the previous year and much higher than the 12 communications of 2012.

Regarding the intelligence reports distributed by the Sepblac to other authorities and organizations, the increase in the sending of information to the National Police (2,663 communications, 12% more), to the Civil Guard (1,376 communications, 4, 5% more) and the State Tax Administration Agency (1,084 communications, in line with 2015).

As regards the scope of investigation by the Bodies and Security Forces, the number of investigations initiated by money laundering varies very slightly between 2012 and 2014, with a total increase in this four-year period of 10%. In 2015 and 2016 this number has increased by 10% compared to 2014 and almost 25% compared to 2012, according to the information provided by the Center for Intelligence against Terrorism and Organized Crime (CITCO).

The Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses has published these statistics, referring to the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, for the fourth consecutive year. The data is provided by different agencies and agencies, among which is the Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering (Sepblac).

The Prevention Commission, chaired by the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support, and participated by different agencies, institutions and departments such as the Bank of Spain, the Ministry of Interior, AEAT, the AEPD or the General Council of Power Judicial, it is the highest coordinating body for the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, on which Sepblac depends.

Sepblac is the Spanish Financial Intelligence Unit and the Supervisory Authority for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. It is an inter-agency body, in which employees of the Ministry of Economy, Bank of Spain, Tax Agency, Police and Civil Guard are located.

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