Get into bed. Tuck us in. Hollow out the pillow to be even more comfortable. And let us be carried away to the placid universe of Morpheus. That is what many of us often think about as the stress of the day keeps us going here and there and unable to lower our guard.
But, if you are like us, you will know that falling asleep is not always as easy as it seems and that the little time to «catch the dream» can sometimes be much longer than we would like (unfortunately 😅).
That's why in this post we bring you 7 sleeping books, seven titles in our catalog that teach us routines, tricks and put us in the sleep mode much easier. In addition, there are many studies that indicate that one of the best ways to combat insomnia is to get away from technology, read and relax. So we have a double reason to invite you to continue reading this post. Can you come with us? 🐑📖
1) And in the end nothing happens

Relaxing stories to calm your mind and help you sleep. This is the interesting proposal that brings us Kathryn Nicolai, the international phenomenon that will make adults sleep like babies.
Because sleeping should be easy, but sometimes, even if we close our eyes, we cannot stop thinking and thinking, as if we have left the accelerator on. Thanks to this book we can finally surrender to the benefits of a good night's sleep.
With a little practice (and a few stories) we will wake up in the morning feeling as rested as when we were children. Written using techniques from mindfulness and psychological conditioning resources, this is a book with a unique concept: short stories for adults that immerse us in a kind, pleasant and calm world, in which much never happens, and that prepare us to sleep soundly. Ready to slow down and sleep like a baby?
2) The sleeping book

The amount of your obligations is inversely proportional to the number of hours you are able to sleep. Think about it: a baby sleeps like a baby because he has nothing to worry about. As we get older everything changes. Studies, work, toxic friends, partner, non-partner, children, end of the month … End of sleep.
However, all is not lost. There are two universal techniques of falling asleep: reading and counting sheep. And this book contains both. Reading will relax you and take you away from the stress accumulated during the day. Whereas counting sheep will help you forget your worries. Xavier Gimeno Y Fernando Alcazar They bring us the book that will save us from those nights staring at the ceiling without being able to sleep.
3) The 7 habits to sleep well

The acronym ASMR may not sound familiar … but they are a phenomenon in recent times. Why? Because ASMR is a great ally for our body to enter a zone of disconnection, with something as simple as sounds or stimuli, and it is easier for us to sleep.
The author of this book is Ana Munoz, The highest representative of the ASMR in Spain, and in this book she reveals seven simple habits to take care of ourselves and sleep better, to relax and reduce anxiety and stress.
And how is that done? Through a method in which the reader practices simple habits for three days that will help them lead a much calmer life: relaxing sounds such as ASMR, massages, digital disconnection, reducing energy or caffeinated drinks or practicing exercise … Throughout the book spaces are included so that we can complete simple exercises and see the evolution of our mood, and the quality of our sleep and rest. Ready to include new habits in your routine? 😜
4) sleep

The 8 hour myth, the power of naps… and a new plan to revitalize mind and body. Sounds good? We think so. In addition, the proposal comes from the hand of nothing more and nothing less than Cristiano Ronaldo's coach, among other stars, Nick littlehales.
The hours of rest have a direct effect on our performance. Our state of mind, humor, motivation and performance are conditioned by our downtime. So the time has come to put an end to insomnia ..
This is done by someone who has spent decades advising the sports elite to adapt to their map of the sleep cycle. For example, did you know that it is good to sleep in multiples of 90 minutes? Do you know how much water is recommended to drink before going to bed?
In this book we will find the definitive method to end insomnia and achieve an always awake body and mind.
5) Get a good night's sleep for Dummies

Yes, we know that sleeping is something that many people do without even thinking about it, automatically, because it is something simple … But it is not always like that. That is why a book from the Para Dummies collection could not be missing from this list where the reference doctor in the field explains how to do it, with all the details.
The Dr. Estivill is the author of Estivill method, a method of proven effectiveness for years and that has already helped thousands of readers to tackle their insomnia problems.
In this book you will find everything you need to know to eradicate your sleep problems. Ready to improve the quality of your nights and, consequently, that of your mornings? 🙃
6) The art of breathing

And we continue with another aspect that seems basic … but is not so basic. In fact it is the best kept secret of the mindfulness.
Because breathing deeply and consciously has a greater impact on our body than we imagine, and learning to do it the right way has endless benefits that you won't want to miss out on.
The prestigious doctor Danny Penman, co-author of the international success Mindfulness, offers us the definitive guide that will help us to live the mindfulness day by day, free ourselves from unnecessary burdens and find peace in a hectic world. You just have to find a moment to breathe. The secundary effects? We will smile more. We will worry less. And we will live a fuller life, free from insomnia.
7) Mindfulness in everyday life

And if you want to continue delving into it mindfulness, the discipline that makes us be fully aware and live in the here and now … you cannot miss the book of Jon Kabat-Zinn.
It is a legendary best seller with more than 750,000 copies sold worldwide. You want to know more?
Mindfulness is at the heart of Buddhist meditation, but its essence is universal and has profound practical benefit for everyone. Because often our mind is not aware of the multiple possibilities that the present moment holds and its unique beauty. And yet we tend to live with the automatic pilot on, away from contact with the only thing that is authentic, real and special: the now.
Because this is the only time we have to live, grow, feel, love, learn, and shape things. In this book, Jon Kabat-Zinn shows us the way to practice meditation and develop mindfulness in our own lives.
8) Thousand and One Nights

And if we make a selection of books to sleep on … a classic among the classics could not be missing: the book that contains the stories that Scheherazade told the sultan every night.
Arabian Nights It is the exciting classic of Arabic literature that has fascinated so many authors, from Borges to Goethe, through Flaubert and Lovecraft. And that, even though it is an anonymous author, there are few readers around the world who have not heard stories like that of Ali Baba and his thieves or the story of Aladdin.
This marvel of literature is not only a mosaic with stories from Iran, Persia or Afghanistan … but it is also a mosaic of the various morals of each of those places. And although the stories that have become more famous are those that contain didactic fables, in Arabian Nights there are also stories of risque tone, including bestiality and homosexuality. They are, therefore, a true mixed bag both in their subject matter and in their moral attitude. And a gem that we really enjoyed reading before traveling into the arms of Morpheus.
With these readings we are sure that you will find tricks, information and even inspiration to adopt a sleep ritual that allows you to rest much more and much better from now on. To wake up the next day with all the energy and full of spirit.
And if you want to continue improving your lifestyle, do not miss this selection of books on wellness. Is there a better investment than we make in ourselves? 🤗