Social Security entered 113,627.27 million euros in November through social contributions, a figure that exceeds that registered in the same period of 2018 by 8%.
The expense in homogeneous terms, meanwhile, was 138,649.18 million euros, of which, 129,834 million were allocated to financial aid to families, 5.65% more than in 2018. The expenditure on pensions (disability, retirement , widowhood, orphanhood and in favor of family members) is 115,984.48 million euros (of which, 6,106.08 correspond to minimum supplements). The increase of this item in the last year has been 5.40%.
As a result of the difference between net recognized rights for non-financial operations of 134,268.43 million euros and recognized obligations of 138,649.18 million euros, as of November 30, the Social Security accounts present, in homogeneous terms, a negative balance of 4,380.75 million euros.
In 2019, a change in the criteria for the budgetary allocation of certain 2018 expenses associated with collection has been approved. For this reason, until November 2019, 1,324.36 million euros of expenses accrued in November and December of last year have been allocated, which basically correspond to the delegated payment of the temporary disability and the contribution by the collaborating mutuals to the maintenance of the common services. Which shows a negative balance in the year of 2019 of 5,705.11 million euros, corresponding to the difference between rights recognized for non-financial operations of 134,268.43 million euros and recognized obligations of 139,973.54 million euros (138,649.18 + 1,324.36).
Of the total volume of rights recognized, 90.51% corresponds to the managing entities and common services of the Social Security and the remaining 9.49% to the mutual collaborators with the Social Security. Regarding the obligations, 91.47% have been recognized by the managing entities and 8.53% by the mutual partners.
Non-financial income
The social contributions amounted to 113,627.27 million euros which represents, with respect to the same period of the previous year, an increase of 8,390.95 million euros in absolute terms and 7.97 percentage points in relative terms, which originates due to the increase in the contribution of employed persons by 7.59%, while the contribution of the unemployed registered an increase of 14.81%.
Non-financial expenses
Aids for a total of 129,834 million euros have been allocated to families and institutions, discounting the expenses accrued last year and charged to the present, which represents a homogeneous growth of 5.65% compared to the previous year.
As indicated at the beginning, the corresponding item for pensions is the most important, reaching a figure of 115,984.48 million euros, of which 6,106.08 million are supplements to pension minimums, paid by the State to Social Security . It represents an increase in the annual rate of 5.40%.
Non-contributory pensions reached 2,262.39 million euros, with a growth of 3.5%. As for family aid, they reached 1,569.45 million, with a growth of 6.35%.
The benefits for child care (before maternity and paternity) and risk for pregnancy reached 2,404.55 million, with a growth of 10.22%.
The figure paid for temporary disability, discounting the aforementioned allocation of expenses for 2018, is 7,427.75 million euros.
Management expenses, in inter-annual terms, increase less than 1%, which means that the Spanish pension system maintains the lowest administrative expenditure figure in Europe. Personnel expenses increase 1.96% and current goods and services expenses 0.76%. As for the expenses dedicated to investments, they decrease by 15.98%.