On December 13, a resolution of the General Directorate for Security Management was published in the BOE that regulates the optional grants that the Mutual Companies can grant in cases of necessity for those workers who have suffered an accident as well as their spouse, partner, children etc. Within these optional aids, a specific benefit is established for the self-employed and that consists of an economic aid to face the expenses of eliminating the architectural barriers of the place where you develop your business or activity in order to adapt it to the new physical needs of the self-employed arisen after the accident at work or occupational disease.

This help was created two years ago, driven by ATA, in the Special Mutual Benefits Commission of which he is a member and has been granted since then to those autonomous workers associated with the Mutual that are in this situation. However, the new regulation eliminates the rest of the gracious aid that constituted the catalog of benefits for self-employed workers that was created within it and among which the granting of economic aid for hiring a worker for a year At most, it would replace the injured self-employed person during his recovery.

For this initiative, Mutua Universal received the ATA award for the best institutional initiative in 2018.

Social Security has endorsed this benefit and that included in the catalog of aid that all mutual companies must assume. For José Luis Perea, general secretary of ATA, “although the granting of these grants is the power of the mutual companies since they go beyond their legal obligations, it is true that they come to complete the protection of the autonomous worker against accidents at work and occupational diseases placing it at the same level of protection as the employee. From ATA we celebrate that our initiatives are gradually adapting and expanding to the whole group. We have been at the service of the self-employed for 25 years with a clear objective: to make their lives easier ”.

Aid for rehabilitation and treatment in special centers of the worker, adaptation of your home or vehicle, travel expenses of yours and family, advanced prostheses, home help, courses for labor insertion etc. are some of the optional benefits included in this rule and which may also be requested by the self-employed workers through the special benefits commissions of the mutual accidents at work provided that the state of necessity caused by the accident or occupational disease is justified.

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