Córdoba, Sunday, April 12, 2020. The VOX group at the Córdoba City Council will present in the extraordinary plenary session next Thursday, 20 budget amendments aimed, mainly, at supporting the sectors that can create and maintain employment as SMEs and the Self-employed – there are thousands of families who live from commerce and hospitality-, without forgetting of course the increase in social spending, which is currently necessary.

"As you all know, we had closed a budget agreement with the government team prior to the crisis caused by the coronavirus in Córdoba. Our amendments to the budget will go along the same lines, although we will ask for a budget increase for some actions that we consider necessary to alleviate the devastating effects of this crisis in some sectors, ”explains municipal spokeswoman Paula Badanelli.

Thus, the municipal group of Vox in Córdoba intends to include one more item and increase the existing one destined for Cordoba trade. “We have already met with the trade federation and we want to help them start up, also through entities such as BNI, ATA, AJE, and associations of taxi drivers and hoteliers, measures that help to lift their businesses, "says Badanelli. In the coming days, Vox will also try to meet with the two associations of street traders to study how to help them, since it is unquestionable that "it has also suffered a break in its activity."

Increase in social spending to meet the emergency situation

Vox's budget priority includes, of course, in addition to the above, “the increase in social spending for entities such as Caritas, Trinitarians, Adorers, Food Bank or Anfane among other; Now the social needs will be greater and therefore the budget must be increased to help the most disadvantaged people until they can once again recover and normalize their income. ”

“We, from the city council, can do nothing for the victims anymore and unfortunately it is not in our hands to help the families to overcome their loss, beyond transmitting our sorrow and pain, but at least, VOX guarantees that it will work hard for them to Cordoba leave behind the economic crisis that the COVID-19 crisis has generated as soon as possible ”, concludes Badanelli.

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