• Spanish entities participate in 943 R&D activities and lead 101 projects
  • It ranks as the fifth country that receives more funds from the EU28 after Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands

Spain has obtained 553.3 million euros in the first 73 calls announced for the European research and innovation program, Horizon 2020 (2014-2020). This figure represents 9.5% of the resources granted in competitive competition so far, which places Spain as the fifth recipient of EU aid28 after Germany (17.7%), United Kingdom (16.4%), France (11.6%) and Holland (9.6%).

The Spanish entities – universities, organizations and research centers, companies, technology centers or foundations – have obtained financing to participate in 943 R + D + i activities. In addition, 101 projects (15.7% of the EU28) will be led by Spanish institutions, something very beneficial because it allows greater returns and a better strategic positioning to generate knowledge.

In the VII Framework Program (2007-2013), Spain, with a 8.3% return, was close to offsetting its contribution to the community budget (8.9%), occupying the sixth place in the EU28. And for the first time a large number of projects were led (10.5%).

The Secretary of State for R&D, Carmen Vela, stressed that the data from both programs “reflect the quality of the Spanish science, technology and innovation system. For Horizon 2020 we had set a goal of 9.5% return and 10.5% of projects led; For now we comply with a note. Our participation curve in Europe in recent years is clearly rising. ” Vela also recognized the important role of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), the European Office and other agents and structures that work to enhance the Spanish presence in European R&D programs.


In Health, an important area with a large endowment, Spain has gone from getting 5.5% of European funds from the VII Framework Program to 9% today (€ 51 M); Energy continues to improve and goes from 11% of the previous program to the current 13.1%, being the second country by return. In Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (from 11.1% to 15.2%) or in Space (from 8.1% to 11.2%) the jump has also been important. As for the SME Instrument, very important in Horizon 2020, Spain appears as the second country by return (13.3%).

The European Research Council (ERC) has also increased its aid to Spain. In 2014 the Spanish institutions achieved 22 Starting Grants (by 14 of 2013) and 32 Consolidator Grants (by 20 of 2013). Missing to count the Advanced Grants.


Spanish companies continue to be the ones with the most resources from Europe, with 33% of the total, while universities get 23.4%. As for the entities that have obtained the most number of projects, the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) stands out, with 71 projects of which it leads 36, followed by the Tecnalia Foundation Research and Innovation, with 45 projects and 7 led, and Pompeu Fabra University, with 21 projects and 13 led.

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