• ANDs the fourth country that receives the most funds (10% of the total) and the one that leads the most projects (15.8% of the total)
  • 2,438 Spanish entities participate in 4,095 R + D + I funded activities

Spain has obtained 2,816 million euros in the first four years of the European Union Research and Innovation Framework Program, Horizon 2020 (2014-2020). This figure represents 10% of the returns obtained in competitive competition in this period, which consolidates our country as the fourth recipient of aid from the EU-28, after Germany (16.8%), the United Kingdom (15.7 %) and France (11.9%).

With a budget of 76,880 million euros for the 2014-2020 period, Horizon 2020 is the main instrument for financing research, technological development, demonstration and innovation activities in Europe. This program is implemented, fundamentally, through calls for projects that are evaluated by independent experts who follow criteria of excellence, impact and implementation. Only the best proposals get grants from Horizon 2020.

Spanish entities are showing great interest in participating in H2020, and there are already 2,438 organizations collaborating in 4,095 R + D + I funded activities; Furthermore, they have managed to coordinate 2,003 proposals and lead 550 projects (15.8% of the total), which makes Spain the country that leads the most projects. Of these entities, 1,683 are companies, of which 80% are SMEs.


Among Spanish beneficiaries, companies have obtained the highest return: 38.3% of the financing obtained by our country, followed by universities (20.1%); public research centers (11.6%); research associations (10.6%); technology centers (10%) and Public Administrations (5.5%).

The Catalan entities are the ones with the highest volume of funds to date (29.5%), followed by those in the Community of Madrid (24.9%), the Basque Country (14.6%), the Valencian Community (8, 4%) and Andalusia (6.5%).

Regarding the thematic areas in which H2020 is subdivided, Spain stands out as the country with the highest return (18.3% of the EU-28) in "Innovation in SMEs", thanks to the excellent results obtained by the "SME Instrument", and is ranked second in "Nanotechnologies, advanced materials, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing and transformation", with 14.5%, and in "Action for climate, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials ”, With 13.2%.

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