Spain closed the year 2019 with the arrival of 83.7 million international tourists, 1.1% more than in 2018, while spending increased 2.8%, to 92.278 million euros. These are the main data of the surveys on Tourist Movements in Frontier (FRONTUR) and Tourism Expenditure (EGATUR) prepared by the National Institute of Statistics. It is the highest levels reached by the historical series.
The Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, celebrates “the good figures with which she has closed 2019 reaching a new record in the arrival of international tourists and in spending and showing the dynamism of tourism in a year not without difficulties such as Brexit and Thomas Cook's bankruptcy. These magnificent data allow us to face 2020 with solid pillars and with the confidence that we have a strong sector capable of maintaining Spain as a world leader in tourism competitiveness. ”
Arrival of tourists
In 2019, the main issuing markets were the United Kingdom, with more than 18 million international tourists, 2.4% less than the previous year; Germany, with almost 11.2 million (-2.1%), and France, with 11.1 million tourists, (-1.2%).
Among the other countries of residence, the growth experienced by the United States (+ 12.6%), Russia (+ 6.9%) and Ireland (+ 6.0%) should be noted.
By national destinations, Catalonia was the community that received the most tourists, about 19.4 million, representing an increase of 0.8%. It was followed by the Balearic Islands (with about 13.7 million and a 1.2% decrease) and the Canary Islands (with more than 13.1 million, 4.4% less).
It is worth noting the growth of Madrid, which in 2019 received 7,638,375 tourists, which represents an increase of 7% over the previous year.
Increase in spending
In 2019, the main destination autonomous communities with the highest total expenditure were Catalonia (with € 21,325 million and an increase of 4.1%), the Canary Islands (with € 16,866 million, 1.4% less than in 2018), and the Balearic Islands (with € 14,878 M, an increase of 0.8%).
The Community of Madrid stands out in this section, with an increase of 12.6% and € 10,452 million.
As for the issuing countries, the United Kingdom has the highest accumulated expenditure in the year with € 17,986 M (+ 0.2%). It is followed by Germany, with € 11,722 M (-2.1%) and France, with € 7,596 M (+ 2.6%).