Grande-Marlaska has defended in Brussels, during the meeting of the Council of Ministers and Home Affairs of the European Union (JHA) , the need to work to prevent migration crises in collaboration with countries of origin and transit, exposing the good results achieved by Spain in its political and police collaboration with Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania or Senegal.

"I cannot help remembering that the best challenge is the one that is not generated. That is why cooperation with the countries of origin and transit, especially the coastal ones, must appear on the European agendas first," said the minister in functions, highlighting that "the reduction of arrivals in Spain by 50% has helped to avoid secondary movements, more than any other measure in internal dimension, but to continue in this way a true partnership with these countries is necessary that implies structural financing and durable. "

The head of the Interior has vindicated the need to face the migration challenge jointly within the European Union, arguing that the external border Member States of the European Union (EU) cannot be exclusively responsible for the management of the flows and the fight against the mafias dedicated to human trafficking.

Likewise, Grande-Marlaska has defended the need to return to a Schengen Area free of internal controls as soon as possible, honoring the principles that encourage the European project. "The free movement and the absence of controls at the internal borders has been the key to the vault on which the Area of ​​Freedom, Security and Justice", has declared.

Future of internal security

Ministry of InteriorIn terms of security, another of the highlights of this JHA Council, the Spanish minister has stated that the link between internal and external security must be reinforced, with special attention to the South Neighborhood. "Many of our threats come from abroad and we cannot do anything alone. Operational cooperation and the exchange of information with third States is essential," he said.

European ministers have also discussed new technologies and their impact on internal security. The acting Interior Minister has claimed the need to adapt to the new realities of terrorism and organized crime, providing police forces with sufficient material and human resources. In this regard, he has defended the proposal to relaunch the exchange program similar to Erasmus proposed in 2010 under the Spanish presidency.

Finally, the acting Interior Minister has stressed the importance of working within a common legal framework, respecting the principle of mutual trust. "It is very dangerous to be questioned, especially in the field of mutual recognition of judicial decisions, since all the institutional architecture in this area depends on its proper functioning," he said.

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