The acting Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, accompanied by the acting Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, announced today that the forecasts indicate that Spain will receive, between the months of July and September, 29, 6 million international tourists, 1.7% more than in the same period of 2018.

As for spending, the minister has indicated that it will reach 33,908 million euros, which represents a growth of 3.2%. That is, international tourists spend 1.079 million euros more than in the summer of 2018.

Reyes Maroto stressed that "are good prospects for the summer, both in spending and arrival and show the good health of the sector while consolidating the positive trend of the policy we are developing the Government."

In addition, the minister has emphasized the figures recorded up to the month of May noting that "we are better than a year ago because we have managed to contain the fall of Britons and Germans, and even in the case of the latter to grow spending."

Maroto has also reviewed the main actions of the Government in tourism, among which are the 2030 Sustainable Tourism Strategy, which will continue to be developed in collaboration with the Autonomous Regions and the rest of the economic agents, the Smart Tourist Destinations Network and the Work of Housing for Tourist Use.

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