On the occasion of International Women's Day we review the participation of women in the current programming of the National Dramatic Center, with the intention of remembering and ratifying our commitment to gender equality in the arts. This commitment, which materialized in 2016 with the signing of the so-called ‘Letter of the Season Equality Woman / Man in the Performing Arts’ promoted by the Classic and Modern Association – and that commits the member institutions to have a minimum of 40% female representation in their activities- has been one of the lines that has guided the programming of each season since then.
Thus, this season 19/20 of the CDN presents an absolute parity in terms of participation by genre, with the presence of 13 directors (48%) and 14 authors (51%) among the 27 theatrical productions that make up the program.
Consolidated voices such as Magüi Mira, Paloma Pedrero, Marta Pazos, Carol López or María Velasco, along with more emerging voices, such as Carolina Africa, Andrea Jiménez and Noemi Rodríguez or Clàudia Cedó, are some of the directors and invited creators that we have been able or able to See throughout this season.
In addition, the cycle ‘In large print’He has dedicated himself during the last two seasons to vindicate and make visible the work of relevant figures of the feminine dramatic writing of our country: María Teresa León, Rosario de Acuña, Halma Angélico, María Lejárraga, Concepción Arenal, Teresa Gracia and Ana Diosdado.