Success of the last clinic of the Foundation in Ciudad Real Madrid

NEWS | 12/18/2019

Almost two hundred boys and girls from the United States extended an experience they started in their country.

The Real Madrid Foundation has received 177 young people from the United States to enjoy the football clinics held in the Ciudad Real Madrid. After living some intense training days during last summer with the coaches who traveled to that country, this time they were able to complete their training in Madrid. A unique experience that is expected to be repeated during 2020 by the partners Kaptiva Sports, Avanza Sports and Inusports / Eurosoccer.

The Real Madrid Foundation held last summer 27 clinics in 13 states, which brought together more than 3,000 children. The clinics of the Foundation are first level training in which the quarry methodology is used, associated with the positive values ​​transmitted by the Real Madrid. They have a solidary purpose, since they serve to finance the social programs of the Foundation.

Project in the United States

The Real Madrid Foundation develops 24 socio-sports schools in the United States that benefit more than 1,100 children between the ages of 5 and 17, and who in 90% are first and second generation Hispanic immigrants. In addition, the schooling of children and training in values ​​through sports are promoted to ensure their social integration.

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