- The Research Personnel Training subprogram maintains the amount of recent years for grants to doctoral students.
- A total of 1,020 grants will be awarded to researchers in training, 20 more than last year
The Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness has published the granting of aid corresponding to the year 2012 of the Subprogram for the Training of Research Personnel (FPI), within the framework of the National Plan for R & D & I 2008 -2011, for an amount of just over 80 million euros. This amount is maintained compared to those of recent years.
Through this subprogram, a maximum of 1,020 grants will be awarded for the training of research staff, 20 more than those awarded in 2011. These grants are aimed at training research staff in research and development centers for those university graduates who wish to carry out a doctoral thesis, associated with a specific R&D project financed by the National R&D Plan that is carried out in a Severo Ochoa Center or Unit of Excellence. This subprogram also finances the carrying out of short stays in other R&D Centers, as well as the payment of tuition for doctoral programs.
Said information is published in the B.O.E of February 3. The deadlines for submitting applications for the FPI Subprogram are the following:
a) Training of research staff: from 02/08/2012 to 02/23/2012 at 3:00 p.m.
b) Short stays in other R&D Centers: from 09/13/2012 to 09/27/2012 at 3:00 p.m.
c) Enrollment for doctoral programs: from 09/13/2012 to 09/27/2012 at 3:00 p.m.
For more information, you can access "Aid and Calls" at www.micinn.es