This measure, adopted yesterday by the Council of Ministers, also allows interested parties to adapt their expectations of terms and deadlines to the duration of the state of alarm, without the declaration of the same may harm ordinary relations of citizens with public administrations . This provision is excepted only for those cases in which the interested party expresses his agreement with the non-suspension or in the cases closely related to the justifying facts of the state of alarm.
The Government considers that the operation of the public sector must adapt to the present circumstances and reconcile the protection of the health of public employees with the correct operation of public services, especially those that are essential for the community.
Regulatory summary approved in the Royal Decree:
1. The terms are suspended and the deadlines for processing procedures of Public Sector entities are suspended, until the date this Royal Decree or, where appropriate, its extensions, loses its validity.
2. The suspension of terms and the interruption of deadlines will be applied to the entire Public Sector defined in Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the competent body may agree, by means of a reasoned resolution, the management and instruction measures strictly necessary to avoid serious damage to the rights and interests of the interested party in the procedure and provided that the latter expresses its agreement, or when the interested party expresses its agreement that the term is not suspended.
4. This provision shall not affect the procedures and resolutions referred to in the first section, when they are referred to situations closely related to the supporting facts of the State of Alarm.