He affirms that if the Popular Party obtains a single seat more than Pedro Sánchez, "we guarantee that there will be unlocking and a government in Spain strong enough to face the challenges of the future"

Regrets that despite the "act of generosity" of the PP the great coalition with Cs has not been possible but says that Pablo Casado will go to the polls with the spirit of Spain Sum.

He appeals to all Spaniards so that what some have not wanted to unite before the polls, the Spaniards unite through a Popular Party ballot.

Remember that the PP is synonymous with "unlocking, stability and economic certainty" and that its main concern is the measured classes, that employment can continue to be generated and that the economy leaves behind the first signs of slowdown caused by socialist misgovernment.

He asks Pedro Sánchez to “act now” in the face of the serious events we have known in Catalonia and to “give clear signs of condemnation” breaking his agreements in the more than 40 municipalities in which he governs with the independentistas or in the Diputación de Barcelona.

“It cannot be that the security of the Catalans is in the hands of a new director of the Mossos who has a political character, who until yesterday was the chief of staff of the Interior Councilor of the Generalitat and who is going to be guided by political criteria "

Announces the launch from the PP headquarters of an advertising campaign to explain "why we are the solution to the blockade of Sánchez and the PSOE".

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