The Council has had the presence of more than 95 participants members of associations, federations and organizations of the sector. The meeting has taken stock of 2019 and the lines of action for the next year 2020 have been presented. Among the measures that will be addressed, the priority objective is the activation of the new INAEM law.

The Minister of Culture has announced that currently "the draft for the future Law of the new INAEM is being finalized, which, in the coming months, once the new Government is activated, may be submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval and subsequent processing in the Parlament". The in-depth reform of the agency to adapt to the needs of the 21st century is the top priority of INAEM for the next legislature. This is a necessary requirement to implement more agile and autonomous administrative management and improve state units, with new possibilities for artistic management and human resources.

Also, the minister wanted to thank the sector for its commitment to culture and "the deep love you feel for what you do." For Guirao, "the ministry has no more mission than to be useful to all sectors. Culture is not done by the administration, you do it: the creators, the producers, the directors, the managers … We are here to give you the channels, the roads, aid, regulations, encouragement ", as" fellow travelers ", since" without you our work makes no sense. "

On the other hand, Amaya de Miguel, who defended "culture as an inalienable constitutional right and an non-negotiable public service," has announced the launch of an in-depth study of the aid system that the INAEM convenes and grants annually and the realization of an analysis focused on improving support for the creation and dissemination of dance companies in Spain. In addition, the creation of a new state circus circuit and the commitment to the international promotion of current music are added to the list of the main projects for this coming year.

An in-depth study of the INAEM aid system

The INAEM has also raised the need to make an in-depth review of the current aid model, based on nominative grants, linked to the annual approval of the general state budgets, and public assistance.

To this end, it has been announced that a specific work table will be launched in 2020 to carry out a comprehensive review process of the grants that the INAEM convenes and grants annually. This review will be carried out in detail, analyzing all the possibilities, with the participation and consensus of the different artistic sectors involved and in parallel to the reform of the Institute.

In the same way, according to the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and the most representative associations of the artistic sectors, the Platea program It will be reviewed so that in 2021 the program deepens into a more qualitative dimension, with a view to the promotion and promotion of the performing arts.

A determined support for dance

EFEINAEM's concern about the situation of dance in our country and its firm decision to support this sector has been highlighted throughout the Council meeting. In the words of Amaya de Miguel: "At present, there is no mechanism in the INAEM for the direct action of the State in favor of dance, apart from the excellent work carried out by state dance companies, and public aid calls or the nominatives we give annually to the private sector. We want to expand our framework of action in collaboration with other public administrations and with the protagonists of the sector. "

Therefore, among the impending announcements for next year, the convening of a technical work meeting with the performing arts managers of the autonomous communities and local entities, which will be set in the first months of 2020, to address possible joint initiatives or new coordination systems to improve support for the creation and dissemination of dance companies in Spain.

The initiative for the creation of the National Dance Dissemination Center, as well as the future National Dance Theater, which have had to slow down and be postponed due to the lack of a new budget, is also scheduled for next year. , the Government being in operation several months of this exercise.

A specific circuit for the circus

Among the projects that will begin in 2020, one dedicated to the circus sector stands out. In collaboration with the Theater Network, a new state circuit dedicated to this discipline is being worked on: Circus Scene, whose implementation will be announced in the coming months.

International promotion of current music

INAEM, in collaboration with ICEX, AC / E, AECID, he Cervantes Institute and the main associations of the sector, will take concrete actions in 2020 to update and further define the joint international promotion project of current music.

The project should serve as a platform to promote young Spanish musicians outside of Spain and for this we also want to have the experience acquired through the program Touring Rooms (GPS), focused on tours of the national territory.

The results of the two working groups focused on the analysis and the proposal of improvements around the Third Sector of the Performing Arts and Music and the Amateur Theater have also been presented at the State Council Plenary.

New members of the State Council

Ministry of Culture and SportsIn addition to some members representing the autonomous communities, the new expert members who join the State Council as of 2020 are: Anna María Giribet (circus), artistic director of FiraTàrrega; Javier Marín López (music), director of the Festival of Ancient Music of Úbeda and Baeza; Montserrat Faura Salvador (music), director of the Torroella de Montgrí Festival; the dancer, choreographer and National Dance Award 2018, Antonio Ruz Jiménez (dance); the cultural manager Paz Santa Cecilia Aristu (dance); Maral Kekejian Hernando (theater), artistic director of Veranos de la Villa from 2016 to 2019 and Marta Oliveres Tortosa (theater), cultural manager and director of El Álamo creative management & International development. The association FMA-Festivals of Current Music, represented by its vice president, José Morán, has also been incorporated for the first time. Later on, it will also be done by the Association of Street Art Professionals-PATEA, represented by its vice president Tomás Ibáñez Fernández, currently waiting to become official in the BOE.

Origin of the State Council

Created in 2010, the State Council of the Performing Arts and Music's main mission is to promote communication, cooperation and exchange of opinions in the field of performing and musical arts and to channel the requests and proposals of the sector in its relations with the General State Administration, allowing to collect the recommendations of the main agents and recipients of cultural policies, and facilitating the participatory definition of priorities in these artistic fields.

Among its members are representatives of associations and organizations of the state sector, representatives of the state, regional and local administration and a number of members appointed directly by the Ministry, at the proposal of the INAEM, among people of recognized prestige, experience or special technical knowledge.

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