The Reflection Group of AMETIC has released its second informative pill, where it examines the keys to reduce the "digital divide" in society, and boost the digitalization of companies. Specifically, the Group analyzes the distance between those companies that decisively address the digital transformation of their productive processes, and those that, due to lack of resources, as professionals with the appropriate training, an advanced R & D & I ecosystem or infrastructures. communication of sufficient capacity, are not rising to the technological wave with the right speed.
For the Group, this variant of the "digital divide" does not receive the same attention, but it has as much or more danger than access to technologies, both geographically, socio-economically, gender and age. In this sense, he points out that it is a worrying situation that citizens are left behind in digital access. However, in the case of a company, it may cost you your survival, and with it, that of the jobs generated and the taxes you liquidate, the Group maintains.
According to the Spanish SME Report 2018, prepared by CEPYME, all SMEs have a basic digitization level: only 19.7% have an e-commerce platform, and around 40% have an active presence in social networks. The Group argues that the deployment and adequate financing of R & D and connectivity infrastructures, together with the training of digital professionals, are much more urgent subjects for reducing inequality, and improving prosperity, than other forms of minimize the digital divide.
One of the measures proposed by the Group is the creation of a National Plan to support the competitiveness of SMEs through digitalization, which incorporates measures for training, tax advantages, financial support for the design and implementation of digital transformation plans. Also, the use of digital mechanisms in the daily relationship of SMEs with administrations.
First pill of the AMETIC reflection group
The first article analyzed the keys to investment in R & D to achieve the sustainability of the welfare state. One of the initiatives proposed by the AMETIC Reflection Group was for Spain and Europe to intensify their R & D efforts as a matter of urgency, as opposed to investments from other countries and continents.
Through this link you can download the first pill in its entirety: