The average pension of the System amounts to 990.01 euros / month. The public system pays 9,707,946 pensions and the payroll amounts to 9,610.9 million euros.
The monthly payroll of contributory pensions of Social Security reached 9,610.96 million euros on May 1, which represents a year-on-year increase of 5%, in homogeneous terms ***.
The average pension of the System, which includes the different classes (retirement, permanent disability, widowhood, orphanhood and in favor of family members), is 990.01 euros per month. Specifically, the average retirement pension amounts to 1,137.71 euros per month and the widow's pension stands at 711.93 euros. As for the new additions, the average retirement pension (April) is 1,295.66 euros in the system as a whole.
The Social Security System pays 9,707,946 contributory pensions, 1.20% more than in April of last year. 6,014,303 are retirement; 2,355,943 correspond to widowhood benefits; 955,782 are permanent disability benefits; 339,445 are orphans and 42,473, in favor of relatives.
It should be remembered that the number of members per pensioner amounted to 2.3 on average in April, the latest data published by Social Security.
The complete information of the pensions of the System can be consulted in the attached file.
*** The data of the interannual increase in the payroll of January, February, March, April and May of 2019, which appears in the attached statistics, shows the change rate, 6.97%, with respect to the corresponding payroll of 2018, that still did not register the definitive revaluation. This was approved in the month of July and applied retroactively to January 1, 2018.