The BOE publishes the measures of phase 1 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality

The text relaxes the social measures for the containment of the disease in the territorial units that the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, announced yesterday, after analyzing the proposals of the autonomous communities and autonomous cities, and meeting bilaterally with each one of the Health advisers.

In these areas, it will be possible to move around the province, island or territorial unit of reference, always respecting the safety and hygiene measures, as well as maintaining the minimum safety distance of at least two meters, in groups of a maximum of ten people, although this limit will not apply between cohabitants.

In the wake, a maximum of 15 people may be in the open air or 10 in closed spaces, whether or not they live together at the same address. Burials may be attended by a maximum of 15 people. Safety and hygiene measures must always be respected.

Attendance at places of worship will also be allowed as long as it does not exceed a third of its capacity and safety and hygiene measures are respected. People must wear a mask and spaces must be disinfected beforehand. The use of blessed water or ritual ablutions, among other measures, will not be allowed.

Retail commerce

Retail stores may open if they have a maximum area of ​​400 square meters. The maximum capacity limit will be 30%, respecting the minimum distance of two meters between clients, and they can establish a priority service schedule for people over 65 years of age.

In the case of automotive dealerships, vehicle technical inspection stations and garden centers and nurseries, they may open whatever their surface, although they must do so by appointment.

Municipalities are also allowed to reopen open-air markets. They must respect the safety distance, limit 25% of authorized positions and reduce their flow to less than a third of the usual capacity.

The order establishes a series of common hygiene measures for premises open to the public, such as cleaning and disinfecting facilities at least twice a day, maintaining adequate ventilation, and daily washing and disinfecting of work clothes. It also limits the use of the elevator or forklift and the use of the toilets by customers, among others.

In the case of services that do not allow the maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance, such as hairdressing salons, beauty centers or physical therapy, the two-meter distance between clients must be maintained and the appropriate protective equipment must be used according to the level of risk. that ensures the protection of the worker and the client.


The order also includes the reopening of the hotel and restaurant terraces, limiting the tables allowed to half those of last year. In addition, the minimum interpersonal distance of 2 meters must be guaranteed.

At each table or group of tables there may be at most 10 people, although this limit does not apply in the event that all of them reside in the same address. Among the hygiene measures, the use of single-use tablecloths will be prioritized, self-service products will be eliminated and the use of cards in common use, among others, will be avoided.

Children's outings and time slots

The order also includes measures that will be applied throughout the territory. This is the case of a modification of the time slots. After requests from several autonomous communities for the increase in temperatures, they are allowed to modify the departure time of children under 14 years of age. They can establish that it starts up to two hours before or ends up to two hours later, always maintaining the total duration of said strip. This will affect, therefore, the rest of the time slots, which may be advanced up to two hours and end up to two hours later.

As until now, the time slots will not apply to populations of up to 5,000 inhabitants, where activities are allowed from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Occupational hygiene

In terms of hygiene and prevention in the workplace, the order establishes, among other measures, that shifts and positions be modified so as to ensure the minimum interpersonal safety distance of two meters between workers. These distance measures will also be applied in the changing rooms, lockers and toilets, as well as in any other common area. Workers must also be provided with hydroalcoholic gels or authorized disinfectants in the workplace.

As for hotels and tourist establishments, their catering services will be for the exclusive use of their clients. The use of spas, gyms, mini clubs, children's areas, discos, event rooms, etc. is prohibited. For these establishments, the order also establishes specific hygiene measures.

On the other hand, the centers that provide the services listed in the Social Services Reference Catalog will be opened. In those cases where it is essential, these services and benefits will attend the citizens in person.

Regarding educational centers and university centers, they will be opened for disinfection, conditioning and for the performance of administrative functions, in which an interpersonal distance of two meters must be guaranteed. The directors of the educational centers will determine the necessary teaching and auxiliary personnel. Likewise, university laboratories that have paralyzed their activity may reactivate it. In all cases, a cleaning and disinfection protocol will be available, the details of which are included in the order.

Scientific conferences

It will allow congresses, meetings, events and seminars in the field of scientific and technical research, development and innovation, which may never exceed the attendance of 30 people. To do this, remote participation will be encouraged. Attendees must guarantee the interpersonal security distance of two meters and, when this is not possible, will ensure that they have the necessary protection means.

Another of the spaces that may reopen are the public and private libraries, which will be limited to the activities of loan, return of works and reading room, as well as for bibliographic and library information. All these spaces must be adequately cleaned and disinfected, in accordance with the provisions of the order.

For their part, museums will be able to open by reducing to a third the expected capacity for each of their rooms and public spaces. They must adapt their facilities to guarantee the protection of their workers and the people who visit them, altering routes and ordering entries and exits, for example. The visits will be individual or of a coexistence unit, up to 10 members.

Visitors, for their part, must have their own self-protection elements to access the museum.

Sport practice

The order also includes professional and federated sports activity, authorizing access to the High Performance Centers. The training sessions will preferably be carried out individually, establishing shifts and access times, and the tasks to be carried out will always be done without physical contact and respecting the safety distance.

Regarding the Professional Leagues, the clubs will be able to carry out individualized physical and technical tasks, as well as non-exhaustive tactical training, in groups of a maximum of 10 athletes, maintaining the interpersonal distance of two meters.

The training tasks will be carried out whenever possible in shifts, avoiding exceeding 30% of the facility's capacity, in order to maintain the minimum necessary distances. The training sessions cannot be attended by the media.

On the other hand, any citizen can access outdoor sports facilities, except for swimming pools and water areas. Individual sports or those that can be developed by a maximum of two people will be allowed, provided they do not maintain physical contact and comply with the interpersonal distance of two meters.

In closed sports centers, practice must be individual and by appointment. There can only be one person per coach and turn. Locker rooms and common areas will not be reopened.

The order establishes that these measures established for the development of professional and federated sports activity shall not apply to hunting and sport fishing.

In the closed spaces where cultural acts and shows take place, a maximum of 30 people can access. If they are outdoors, the capacity will be a maximum of 200 people. In any case, the interpersonal distance must be respected. For this, in addition to reducing the number of seats and avoiding the passage of people between rows, staggered access and exit will be facilitated and complementary services such as the cafeteria will not be provided, among other measures detailed in the order.

People with symptoms of COVID-19, those diagnosed with the disease or those who have been in close contact with someone with symptoms or diagnosed, should continue to be isolated.

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