These are measures related to the social sphere, retail and service provision, hospitality and restaurant activities, science and innovation, cultural venues and establishments, sports, recreational pools and active and nature tourism, among others. scopes. This Order of the Ministry of Health will enter into force tomorrow, Monday, May 18.
Social measures
It will be possible to circulate through the province, island or territorial unit of reference in groups of maximum 15 people, among whom the cohabiting people are not counted, always maintaining social distance or protection measures. People up to 70 years of age will be able to carry out non-professional physical activity in any time slot with the exception of that between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm and between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm, which is reserved to those over 70 years old.
The autonomous communities and autonomous cities may agree that within their territorial scope these time slots start up to two hours before and end up to two hours later, as long as their total duration is not increased.
The wake may be held in all kinds of facilities, public or private, with a maximum limit of 25 people in open spaces or fifteen people in closed spaces, whether or not they live together. Burials and cremations are restricted to a maximum of 25 people, including family and friends.
The maximum capacity of places of worship goes from a third to 50%. Wedding ceremonies and other religious celebrations may be held in all kinds of facilities, with a capacity of 50% and not exceeding one hundred people in open spaces or fifty people in closed spaces.
Recreational pools and beaches
The recreational pools can be opened to the public by appointment, a maximum capacity of 30% or the one that allows compliance with the safety distance. Shift schedules will also be organized. Cleaning should be carried out at least three times a day and showers in the changing rooms and water sources cannot be used.
On the beaches, bathers must use responsibly, complying with the recommendations and standards established by the health authorities. The practice of sports, professional or recreational activities is allowed, provided they can be carried out individually and without physical contact.
Retail and professional activities establishments and commercial premises can reopen to the public regardless of their useful exhibition and sales area, provided that the capacity is reduced to 40% in each of the plants it consists of and that it guarantees a minimum distance two meters between clients.
In premises where it is not possible to maintain this distance, only permanence within a client's premises will be allowed and there will be a service schedule with priority service for those over 65 years of age. Collection systems may be established in the establishment, staggered to avoid crowds inside the premises or their access and a preferential home delivery system for certain groups.
In the case of street markets, the usual number of stalls will be limited to one third to guarantee the maintenance of the social distance of two meters. Shopping centers and parks may open with a maximum capacity of 30% of their common areas and 40% in each of the commercial establishments.
The permanence of clients in common areas will not be allowed except for transit between establishments. Recreational areas such as playgrounds, toy libraries or rest areas should be closed.
Hospitality, restoration and hotels
Hotel and restaurant establishments for consumption on the premises may reopen to the public, except for nightclubs and nightlife bars, provided they do not exceed 40% of their capacity.
Consumption within the premises can only be done sitting at a table or groupings of tables and, preferably, by prior reservation. Self-service at the bar by the customer will not be accepted.
The service on the outdoor terraces is maintained according to the order of application of phase 1. In all cases, maintaining the minimum distance of two meters.
The order also includes the reopening to the public of the common areas of hotels and tourist accommodation, provided that it does not exceed a third of its capacity. The animation activities or group classes will have a maximum capacity of twenty people, avoiding the exchange of objects, preferably outdoors and respecting the minimum safety distance between all the participants. Otherwise, masks must be used. In addition, the corresponding disinfection of objects and material used will be maintained.
As for active tourism and nature activities, they can be carried out for groups of up to twenty people.
Visits to nursing homes
Autonomous communities and autonomous cities may allow visits to residents of sheltered housing, residential centers for people with disabilities and residential centers for the elderly in their territorial area.
In the case of nursing homes, these visits will preferably be made in exceptional cases, such as the end of life or the relief of the resident's neurocognitive decompensation.
These visits may not be carried out in centers where there are confirmed cases of COVID-19, or in which a resident is in quarantine.
In the libraries, it will be possible to make consultations in the room as long as it does not exceed a third of the authorized capacity and use the computers intended for the users. However, children's rooms and open access collections will remain closed.
The exhibition halls, monuments and cultural facilities may open as long as one third of the authorized capacity is not exceeded and measures are taken to control the control of the agglomerations.
All cinemas, theaters, auditoriums and similar spaces may resume their activity as long as they have pre-assigned seats and do not exceed a third of the authorized capacity.
The provision of complementary services, such as a store, cafeteria or the like, is allowed. No cloakroom or left luggage service will be provided.
Professional sport
The athletes integrated into clubs participating in non-professional leagues will be able to carry out basic training, individually and in compliance with the corresponding prevention and hygiene measures, developed in the training centers available to the clubs or in other types of facilities that are are open to the public.
Professional sports clubs or Sports Public Limited Companies may carry out total training sessions complying with the corresponding prevention and hygiene measures with a maximum of 14 people.
The training tasks will be carried out whenever possible in turns, avoiding exceeding 50% of the facility's capacity for athletes. The media may not attend.
The Professional Leagues competition will resume without a public and behind closed doors, as long as the evolution of the health situation allows it. The media will be able to access the broadcast of the competition.
Covered sports facilities may be reopened. The sports activity will require a prior appointment, time shifts will be organized and the thirty percent capacity limit will be respected and the changing rooms may be used.
Business or scientific conferences, meetings and conferences
Conferences, meetings, business meetings and conferences will be allowed in congress halls, conference rooms, multipurpose rooms and other similar establishments and facilities without exceeding 50 attendees and maintaining a minimum distance of two meters or with safety equipment. The non-face-to-face participation of those who can provide their activity remotely will be encouraged.
Residences, buildings, centers and facilities, of a public or private nature, whose purpose is the accommodation and provision of hotel and restaurant services for scientific, technical and research personnel may resume it. With the guarantees of cleaning and disinfection included in the order.
Phase 0 and Phase 1
The Order also includes modifications to previous orders in order to make certain restrictions more flexible for those territorial units that are in Phase 0 and Phase 1. For those territorial units that are in Phase 0, the conditions are established for the opening to the public of certain businesses and services, and the opening of files, as well as for the practice of professional and federated sport under the same conditions as Phase 1.
Thus, in Phase 1 (and phase 0), the opening of commercial premises and similar services is allowed with a useful exhibition and sales area of less than or equal to 400 square meters. In establishments with a higher useful surface, it is established that the space that is reopened to the public can be limited by adjusting to this threshold.
Commercial or promotional actions must be accompanied by measures to ensure that there are no crowds that prevent the maintenance of the safety distance or compliance with the capacity limits.
In addition, in Phase 1 hunting and sport and recreational fishing are allowed as long as the safety distance and hygiene and prevention measures are respected.