This figure represents 0.20% of GDP, as a result of the difference between rights recognized by non-financial operations of 60,734.24 million euros, which present an increase of 7.91%, and recognized obligations of 58,220.33 million of euros, which grow by 9.87%.

Of the total volume of rights recognized, 90.98% corresponds to the management entities and common services of the Social Security and the remaining 9.02% to the mutual collaborators with the Social Security. Regarding the obligations, 91.56% has been recognized by the managing entities and 8.44% by the mutual collaborators.

In terms of cash, the liquid collection of the system reaches 58,341.29 million euros, with a percentage increase of 5.71% compared to the previous year. On the other hand, the payments presented an increase of 9.96%, totaling 58,043.83 million euros.

Non-financial income

The social contributions amounted to 50,987.92 million euros, which represents, with respect to the same period of the previous year, an increase of more than 3,700 million euros in absolute terms and of 7,91 percentage points in relative terms, which comes from the increase in the contribution of employed persons by 7.80%, while the unemployment rate registered an increase of 9.70%. It is also worth highlighting that the aforementioned year-on-year growth of 7.91% is more than 2 points higher than that registered in the same period of the previous year.

As a whole, Social Security plans to enter this year a total of 114,915.75 million euros in social contributions. In this way, the contribution revenues represent, at the end of May, 44.37% of the total for 2019.

The current transfers totaled 9,225.24 million euros, with an increase of 8.57% over the amount at the same date of the 2018 fiscal year. This increase is mainly motivated because, as of May 31, 2019, an amount of 666 million euros has been received as a contribution from the State to support the Social Security budget balance established in the aforementioned budget law for 2018, amount that in the same period of the previous year had not been recognized, as this law was published in the month of July 2018.
The equity income registered 24.48 million euros, with a year-on-year decrease of 43.59%, and the rates and other income reflect the amount of 485.26 million euros, with an interannual increase of 2.70%.

Non-financial expenses

The economic benefits to families and institutions totaled 54,568.24 million euros, with an increase of 9.23% compared to the previous year. This figure represents 93.73% of the total expenditure made in the Social Security system. The largest item, 50,359.91 million euros, corresponds to pensions and contributory benefits, with a year-on-year growth of 9.67%.

In a detailed analysis of the contributory area, pensions (disability, retirement, widowhood, orphans and in favor of family members) reached an amount of 45,604.68 million euros, a figure higher by 7.11% the previous year. As for benefits for maternity, paternity and risk during pregnancy rose to 1,030.63 million euros, representing an interannual increase of 7.46%. In temporary disability, the expenditure made reached an amount of 3,567.50 million euros, 60.88% more than in the same period of fiscal year 2018, growth affected, as later indicated, by the imputation in the months of January, February and March 2019 of the delegated payment of the temporary disability for the month of November and December of 2018, amounting to 978.58 million euros, as a consequence of the change in budgetary imputation criteria, so that the actual expense of disability temporary was 2,588.92 million euros, representing an increase of 16.75%.

Likewise, the year-on-year growth of the expenses of the mutual collaborators with the Social Security is worth mentioning, as a contribution to the maintenance of the common services and mandatory and facultative reinsurance because, being expenses associated with the collection, it has determined that those corresponding to November and December 2018 had to be allocated to the 2019 budget, as a result of the current budget imputation criteria. According to these criteria, the year-on-year increase in these expenses amounted to 42.57%, although in terms of a homogeneous comparison, the increase would have been 4.88%.

As of May 31, non-contributory pensions and benefits, including minimum payments for contributory pensions, amount to 4,208.33 million euros, an increase of 4.23% compared to the previous year. Of this amount, non-contributory pensions and minimum 3,461.83 million and subsidies and other benefits are allocated 746.50 million euros, of which 715.55 million euros correspond to family benefits, 3.94% higher than that of previous year

As regards management expenses incurred by Social Security, they have experienced an increase of 2.95% in personnel expenses, an increase of 3.10% in current expenses of goods and services and a decrease of 30.73 % in expenses dedicated to investments. With an overall increase of 2.06% year-on-year.

Homogeneous comparison

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in 2019 there has been a change in the criteria for the budgetary allocation of certain expenses for November and December 2018 associated with collection, which has determined that these expenses are allocated to the 2019 fiscal year, despite the fact that accrued in 2018.

Accordingly, in order to establish a homogeneous comparison with the previous year, it should be taken into account that up to May 2019, 1,324.36 million euros of accrued expenses were charged in the months of November and December 2018, which basically correspond to to the delegated payment of temporary incapacity and to the contribution by the mutual collaborators to the maintenance of the common services and that, consequently, they must be diminished of the year 2019.

All this means that the amount of expenses until May 2019 would be 56,895.97 million euros (58,220.33 -1,324.36). Recapitulating, in homogeneous terms, the accumulated positive balance in the first five months of this year amounts to 3,838.27 million euros, which is the difference between net recognized rights for non-financial operations of 60,734.24 million euros and some obligations recognized of 56,895.97 million euros.

In addition, in May 2018, the additional revaluation of pensions from 0.25% to 1.6% overall and 3% of minimum pensions established in the General State Budget Law for 2018 had not been applied. , in terms of homogeneity, that the accumulated expenditure in the first five months of last year should increase by 495.47 million more, which puts the total at 53,484.99 million euros (52,989.52 + 495.47).

This translates into a 6.38% increase in spending in the first five months of 2019 compared to the same period of 2018.

Source of new