The Confederación Abulense de Empresarios, CONFAE, joins the World Day of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MIPYMES), declared by the United Nations as a day of protest on the importance for the local economy of micro-SMEs and SMEs which make up, mainly, the business fabric of the province, consisting of more than 10,000 companies, according to the INE.
This year, June 27 serves to raise awareness of the need for greater investment in these businesses, especially in developing countries and emerging economies, but also draws attention to the huge contribution that smaller companies make to the global economy.
Although small businesses may have a good capacity to adapt to changes, their size also makes them vulnerable. One of the main problems they face is usually access to finance. In many cases, both the identification of international opportunities and commercial management are often more difficult for small businesses than for their larger competitors.
The United Nations emphasizes that, through the promotion of innovation, creativity and work, this type of business are key in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).
In Ávila, many of these micro and SMEs settle in rural areas, helping to create wealth and employment, adding value to local resources, providing service to people who live in villages and contribute to settle populations facing the rural exodus. In the capital, they make up the vast majority of the business fabric.