This Thursday the Superior Court of Justice of Castilla-La Mancha has published the number of deaths from coronavirus in the province of Guadalajara. He estimates that between March and June 529 people have died in Guadalajara due to coronaviruses, far from the official figures of 263. The President of VOX Guadalajara Josué Martín has ensured that "The estimate of the TSJ of Castilla-La Mancha brings to light the shame of an incapable and harmful government. It shows what we have been saying for months, the government of Castilla la Mancha, with its president at the head, has not stopped lying and hiding the data. We are not going to forget the 266 people who have forgotten you. ”
The maximum provincial representative has insisted that "They have lied to all Guadalajareños about the number of deaths, yes, the number, because for the Community Board there have been numbers, not deceased people." Finally, he has directly addressed the regional president, the socialist Emiliano García Page, ensuring that: “A government that only cares about its own interests and not its neighbors must resign. Seños García Page resigns and returns power to the Castilian-Manchegos. The people of Guatemala do not deserve to suffer his disastrous management any longer. "