- The center mobilizes more than 1.5 billion annually for innovative entities
The Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) celebrates 40 years as the main driver of business R&D in Spain. The Minister of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, Luis de Guindos has inaugurated this morning the National Meeting of Innovative Companies, which has served to celebrate the four decades of the center and attended by representatives of 500 Spanish companies especially active in R&D i.
The CDTI Mobilizes more than 1.5 billion euros annually for innovative Spanish entities and offers a wide range of financial instruments that cover the financial needs of companies to develop R & D & I projects. It bases its action on a model of integral support for the innovative company, for which it offers advice, technical assistance and adequate financing for its needs. It also facilitates the capitalization of innovative companies through its participation in several venture capital funds that invest in technology-based companies, an activity that was previously carried out through Neotec Venture Capital and that since 2012 has been carried out through the Innvierte Program.
One of the main objectives of the CDTI is to promote public-private collaboration. The CENIT program and CIEN have been instrumental in promoting this collaboration in recent years. Today more than 60% of the projects financed by the CDTI are carried out in cooperation with research organizations.
The CDTI also develops activities to promote and encourage the participation of Spanish companies in international programs such as Horizon 2020 or Eureka and multilateral and bilateral programs that involve the realization of R&D and technological innovation projects in cooperation with companies and entities from other countries. .
During these 40 years, the CDTI has supported more than 12,500 companies through the various programs of aid to business R + D + i, technological modernization, internationalization and participation in large international programs.
The celebration of these 40 years has been closed by the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, Carmen Vela and has had the interventions of the Secretary General of Science and Innovation, Juan María Vázquez and the Director General of the CDTI, Francisco Marin
Managers from seven companies, technology leaders in their respective sectors, have also participated thanks to their constant commitment to innovation: AMC Juices, Matarromera, Cosentino, Natura Bissé, Thyssenkrupp Elevator, Applications of Sintered Metals and GMV. During their interventions they have explained how technology has become an essential element to reach a leading position in the market.