The Civil Guard and the Provincial Deputation of Jaén sign an agreement for the rehabilitation of barracks in the province

The Director General of the Civil Guard on behalf of the Ministry of the Interior has signed this plan for the execution of a program to repair the house-barracks in the province of Jaén

María Gámez has also held a meeting with the leadership of the Jaén Command in order to learn about the daily work and needs of this Command

He has visited the members of the ROCA Team of Úbeda (Jaen)

The province of Jaén has 67 Civil Guard posts and a staff of more than 950 agents

The director general of the Civil Guard, María Gámez, and the president of the Provincial Delegation of Jaén, Francisco Reyes, today signed an agreement for the rehabilitation of the barracks houses in that province.

The event was also attended by the Deputy Delegate of the Government in Jaén, Catalina Madueño; the Deputy Operational Director of the Civil Guard, Lieutenant General Pablo Salas, the Chief of the Civil Guard Zone in Andalusia, Brigadier General Alfonso Rodríguez and the Chief of the Command of Jaén, Lieutenant Colonel Francisco José Lozano.
The purpose of the agreement is to materialize the direct subsidy of the Provincial Deputation of Jaén to the General Directorate of the Civil Guard to promote the conservation and repair of the official facilities of the Corps in the province of Jaén. The contribution by the Provincial Government amounts to a total of 150,000 euros for the repair of barracks that will affect a dozen facilities.
The Director General has valued this agreement as a reflection of the collaboration between public institutions with the aim of benefiting the public, in this case, contributing to the improvement of public attention that the Civil Guard provides in security matters in the province of Jaén.
María Gámez has highlighted that the province of Jaén was a pioneer in establishing this type of agreement more than a decade ago, that the Civil Guard maintains with other deputations in several Spanish provinces and that it hopes they will be extended as much as possible because it is a good initiative that achieves synergy and strengthens the links between both parties: "The Provincial Councils ensure the well-being of municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabitants, and the Civil Guard, present in 83% of Spanish territory and in geographical areas of various characteristics, works and guarantees security and public order in these same municipalities ”.
The Director General has had a few words also dedicated to the Baeza Academy, which was closed due to the State of Alarm and pointed out that the teachers of the same reacted quickly and launched an online training platform that has allowed the students to have been able to develop your study plan with full guarantee and your training is what was planned without any shortcomings. In this sense, he congratulated the teachers for their great effort and the student civil guards for their involvement, collaborative attitude, they have been aware of the situation and, far from easy complaints, have shown the greatest interest in their training.
Also in the investment chapter, María Gámez, stressed that the Government of Spain works to improve the facilities of the Civil Guard. Proof of this are the 275 million of the State Security Infrastructure Plan that includes, among many other actions, almost 7 million euros for the improvement of the Baeza Academy whose project is already in the drafting phase.

Visit to the Command of Jaén

Subsequently, María Gámez held a working meeting with those responsible for the Civil Guard in the province of Jaén, where she learned first-hand about the operation of the same and its main problems.
During this meeting, Lieutenant Colonel Head of the Command, Francisco Lozano, explained to the Director General the main tasks that they have carried out during the State of Alarm, having performed more than 2,500 humanitarian services, especially care for our elders. , promoting visits and interviews to meet your needs.
It has also been very aware of the victims of gender violence, having carried out almost a thousand actions between interviewing victims, surveillance, visits to victims, surveillance of aggressors, etc.
The Director General has thanked them for their intense work during these months so atypical for the whole of society, in which, in addition to ensuring compliance with the measures to restrict mobility, the Civil Guard has once again displayed that meritorious character in their DNA paying special attention to the most vulnerable groups.
The Guardia Civil in Jaén is responsible for citizen security for 85.25% of the province's total territorial extension. Specifically, 93 of the 97 municipalities are under our responsibility for security, for which it has 67 posts in which it employs a thousand civil guards. In addition, the Jaén Command has many specialties such as Traffic, Cynology, Judicial Police and Seprona, among others.
The number of detainees and investigated in Jaén has dropped almost 3% during the first four months of 2020 compared to the same period last year.
Subsequent to this work meeting, María Gámez, has visited the headquarters facilities.

ROCA Team of the Baeza Company (Úbeda Post)

Finally, the general director has visited the Roca Team in the town of Úbeda. In the province of Jaén there are 6 ROCA teams. During 2019 they arrested 116 people and imputed 275; There were 313 administrative complaints and they held more than 800 meetings with the sector and 1,400 personal interviews.
In the first 5 months of 2020, 51 people have been detained and 155 others have been charged, 560 administrative complaints have been received and more than 560 meetings and more than 700 personal interviews have been held.
As for the Roca de Baeza Team, located in Úbeda, between 2019 and May 2020, they have detained 31 people and charged 196, they have handled 174 administrative complaints, held almost 800 meetings with the sector and conducted more than 600 interviews personal.
The ROCA teams were launched in 2013 with the aim of investigating criminal acts related to agricultural and livestock production, both on the production farms and in the storage, distribution or processing facilities for derived products. In its beginnings, 54 teams were formed in the 15 provinces most affected by robberies and given their excellent results, they have been expanding to reach the current 127 in practically the entire national territory.
For more information, you can contact the Press Office of the Civil Guard at 953.25.03.40.


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