The Civil Guard arrested 58 people in the last two weeks for drug trafficking on the coasts of Andalusia

In total, more than 5.5 tons of hashish have been seized, 9 boats have been seized and 12 vehicles have been seized

The Civil Guard has carried out 28 actions in the last two weeks in which 58 people have been arrested, the arrest of 5,626 kg of hashish, and the seizure of 9 boats and 12 vehicles.

Since the start of the Alarm State, it has been avoiding a decrease in the movement capacity of criminal organizations, although this has not led to a cessation of the activity of drug traffickers who transport hashish from Morocco to the Andalusian coast, by sea. In this sense, in these last two weeks, the Guadia Civil have led to different actions related to drug trafficking on the Andalusian coast and on the Guadalquivir river. Mainly, agents of the Civil Guard of the Commands of Huelva, Seville, Cádiz, Algeciras, Malaga and Almería, as well as OCON-SUR, GAR and Maritime and Air Service of the Civil Guard have participated.

Province of huelva

On the 30th, off the coast of Huelva, a boat suspected of engaging in drug trafficking is detected. For this reason, a device is organized in the surroundings of Isla Cristina, proceeding to intercept the high-speed boat and arrest its two occupants. Also, as a result of the device deployed on land, in which the Isla Cristina Local Police also participates, it is possible to arrest 12 more people who were hidden with 114 carafes of fuel prepared to supply fuel to the drug gang.

Gibraltar field

In these two weeks, different services have been carried out in the Campo de Gibraltar area, highlighting four of them:

The first, on the 18th, before the imminent discharge of drugs from a narco-tanker in the Toneleros area (La Línea de la Concepción), a police operation was carried out that resulted in the arrest of 6 people, the apprehension of 8 bales of hashish (240 kg) and the seizure of a 14-meter narco-boat.

On the 23rd, in the area of ​​the Punta Carnero Lighthouse (Algeciras), a patrol that was carrying out coastal surveillance, among other tasks, proceeded to locate a stolen off-road vehicle inside which were 8 bales of hashish (259 kg).

On the 26th, when the agents observed a pneumatic boat with three motors carrying out a drug unloading in the Punta Carnero area in Algeciras. A locking device is immediately organized, intercepting a stolen off-road vehicle with 22 bales of hashish (660kg).

Finally highlight a service performed on the 30th, when the Civil Guard of Algeciras is aware that a stash could be being carried out on the beach in the Linea de la Concepción area. For this reason, an urgent device is organized with personnel from different Units in which two vehicles carrying 23 bales of hashish (690kg) are intervened. In this case, the personnel who were carrying out the drug unloading jump into the water and get on the boat, fleeing the place.

Rest of the province of Cádiz

On the 20th, in the Jara area (Sanlúcar de Barrameda), the agents observed an unusual transfer of people and vehicles, reason why they suspect that a cache may have been carried out in that area. For this reason, the agents warn of this circumstance and a police device is established that ends with the arrest of two people, the apprehension of 35 bales of hashish (1,050 kg) and the intervention of a truck that contained 3 350 hp outboard motors. .

On the 27th, another service occurs when a patrol from Chiclana de la Frontera identifies a driver of a truck that was circulating in the town of Conil. At the moment of identification, the patrol realizes that the truck emits a strong smell of gasoline, so it proceeds with its inspection, locating 97 25-liter gasoline cans each that are intervened. It is suspected that this fuel was going to be used for refueling ships dedicated to drug trafficking.

Malaga province

On the 16th, on the occasion of a device established as a result of a patrol's suspicion that a stash could be taking place in the Puerto de la Duquesa (Manilva), 1 bale of hashish (32kg) is located and a boat is intervened high speed with 3 outboard motors. Another relevant service occurs on the 24th, when COS personnel detect a semi-rigid boat that is heading to the coast on the border of the provinces of Cádiz and Málaga. For this reason, personnel from research and uniformed units travel to the Sabinillas area (Manilva) where, at first, 3 bales of hashish (105kg) manage to intervene. Later, the fast boat moves to the San Roque area (Campo de Gibraltar) where it again tries to unload another quantity of drugs. This action is frustrated again by the agents, managing to intervene 1 bale of hashish (30 kg) and intercept 1 stolen vehicle.

Finally, on the 30th, the Civil Guard of the Malaga Command with the support of OCON -SUR, established a police operation when detecting a narco-boat from Morocco that was headed towards the Isdabe beach (Estepona). From the result of the device, it is verified how they have abandoned the boat on the beach, which also has 37 full gasoline flasks, the two of its crew fleeing the place, being finally intercepted.

Province of Almería

On the 16th, personnel belonging to the Almería Command detained 3 people and apprehended 77 bales of hashish (2,310 kg) when a drug discharge was detected in the Conda beach area (Adra). In that same performance, a van loaded with 125 gas cylinders is also intercepted. That same day on the beach of Guardias Viejas (El Ejido) a large semi-trailer was found that was stuck on the shore. Such a semi-trailer is suspected to have been used to transport and launch a high-speed craft into the water.

Province of Sevilla-Río Guadalquivir

In the province of Seville, two high-speed semi-rigid boats dedicated to drug trafficking have been seized; The first boat is located stranded next to the river, in the Aznalcazar area. The second is operated on a ship in the town of Lebrija while it was being repaired. As a consequence of this action, a person is arrested.

For the expansion or confirmation of any other data, you can contact the Peripheral Communication Office of the Civil Guard of Seville, on the phone 630900403.


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