The Civil Guard arrests five people for the kidnapping of a young man from Barbate

The detainees moved from Seville to Barbate (Cádiz), where they kidnapped a young man who was held and beaten for several days.

The Civil Guard has arrested five people for the kidnapping of a young man committed in Barbate (Cádiz), last December. The detainees moved from Seville to Barbate where they kidnapped a young man who was held and beaten for several days until they released him.

The events occurred when the agents learned that during the early hours of December 27, three people had approached a young man on the way to his vehicle, being beaten with extreme violence, until he was put in the trunk of another vehicle and undertaking the running away from the place at high speed.
For this reason, the Civil Guard began the investigation, being hampered due to the reluctance shown by the victim's environment towards the agents.
Continuing with the investigation, the agents were able to verify that the victim had been released by his abductors, being located in a health center, where he was assisted with the injuries that his captors had inflicted on him during the time he was being held. It should be noted that the victim was very reluctant to collaborate with the civil guards who were investigating his case.
After several months of intense investigations, they located the alleged perpetrators in the province of Seville, two of them in the town of Alcalá de Guadaíra, one in San José de la Rinconada, one in Seville and the last serving time for other events in the Cadiz prison of Puerto 2.
The latter's participation in the events consisted in providing the rental vehicle with which they traveled from Seville to Barbate to commit the kidnapping, while three of the now detainees were in charge of capturing their target while he would exercise the leadership was waiting at the place where the kidnapped person was held.
One of the participants in the kidnapping was arrested by the same Civil Guard Unit in 2011, when he was part of the criminal group that kidnapped a Moroccan citizen at a gas station in Conil de la Frontera at gunpoint.
The investigation has been carried out by the Crimes Against Persons Team of the Organic Unit of the Judicial Police of the Civil Guard in Cádiz and directed by the head of mixed court number 2 of those of Barbate.
For more information, you can contact the Civil Guard Peripheral Communication Office in Cádiz by phone 956292546 or 636472330.


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