The Civil Guard denounces several people for skipping confinement in the province of Las Palmas, thanks to citizen collaboration

In Fuerteventura, eight people have been denounced for having a barbecue on a community rooftop

In Vecindario, an individual published a video on social networks capturing large amounts of octopus during the state of alarm in the area known as Punta Gaviota

The Civil Guard has denounced a group of people who were having a barbecue on a community rooftop in Fuerteventura, and an individual who was doing underwater fishing in a prohibited place in Punta Gaviota, thanks to citizen collaboration.

In Fuerteventura, the Civil Guard received a notice from several neighbors, complaining about several people having a barbecue with loud music on the roof of a building. When the agents arrived at the place they listened to the music from the same street, and upon going up to the roof they identified eight people who were having a barbecue and consuming alcohol, breaking the regulations of the decree of the state of sanitary alarm and causing inconvenience to the rest of the neighbors of the area.

In addition to the corresponding administrative complaints to the Organic Law for the Protection of Citizen Security for non-compliance with the confinement measures of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, five of the men identified for other infractions were also denounced, four for possession. and consumption of narcotic substances (marijuana and hashish) and another for disorderly conduct.
On the other hand, the Neighborhood Civil Guard, on the island of Gran Canaria, has denounced a person for twice breaching Law 17/2003, of April 10, on Fishing in the Canary Islands, in full alarm without respecting established limitations.
The investigation began as a result of various phone calls to the Civil Guard in which they reported that a neighbor of Pozo Izquierdo was doing underwater fishing in a prohibited place, skipping the confinement and capturing large amounts of octopus, and that he also posted the images on a well-known social network, also spreading its feat by the groups in a messaging application.
By viewing the images, the agents were able to verify that the fishing had been carried out in the area known as Punta Gaviota, an area of ​​Pozo Izquierdo not allowed for underwater fishing. Once the author was identified, he acknowledged that this activity had been carried out on May 4 and 5 in full alarm and that he could not prove the possession of the corresponding license for underwater fishing, for which he was denounced for carrying out fishing in an area not allowed, lack a 2nd class license and for not respecting confinement.


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