The Civil Guard detains an alleged Daesh member in Madrid

The detainee, who had a significant radicalism detected through social networks and messaging applications, had recently come to be considered a risk by investigators

The operation has been developed jointly with EUROPOL, international cooperation having been decisive in preventing the commission of a possible attack.

Agents of the Information Service of the Civil Guard with the support of several units of the Corps arrested an Algerian citizen in Madrid on Wednesday, September 30, for his alleged terrorist activities in connection with the terrorist group DAESH. judicial this morning having been decreed his entry into provisional prison.

The investigation, which has been conducted by the Central Investigative Court No. 3 and the National High Court Prosecutor's Office, has been carried out jointly with EUROPOL. International cooperation is an extremely important factor in the fight against jihadist terrorism where the high mobility of terrorists and the use of social networks and internet applications greatly condition police investigations. In this case, the joint action of the Civil Guard analysts and the International Organization have made it possible to obtain clues and evidence to neutralize the activities of the person under investigation.

The detainee constantly consumed jihadist propaganda through the internet and had at his disposal operational manuals designed by Daesh aimed at making artifacts and using weapons, having come to show in this last period of time a great identification with the Organization Terrorist, as well as a lot of interest in weapons and fighting techniques.

Likewise, during the investigation his relationship with the falsification of identity documents from various countries has transcended, an activity that could have been key to facilitating the great international mobility of the detainee in recent years.

Through the different police hypotheses initially raised, it has been known that the evolution of its activity on the internet has fully responded to the strategy that DAESH develops in a prominent way through its propaganda apparatus, having managed to radicalize and recruit a large number of volunteers who, after acquiring a great feeling of belonging to Daesh, come to carry out attacks in their countries of residence.

This typology of terrorism is currently one of the greatest challenges facing security forces, given the great difficulty of being able to detect early radicalization processes that could lead to a terrorist attack in a short space of time. Therefore, the possibility of detecting these cases sufficiently in advance, as well as obtaining sufficient judicial indications and evidence to be able to anticipate the commission of the possible attack are two critical points of the daily work of the investigation units of the Information Service of the civil Guard.

Since the elevation to level 4 of the antiterrorist alert on June 26, 2015, the Civil Guard has reinforced all the operational devices and lines of investigation related to the terrorist threat, especially those on individuals immersed in a radicalization process that could lead to the displacement to a conflict zone or the commission of terrorist actions in the countries of residence, which currently represents one of the main threats to Western countries. This reinforcement has been intensified since the beginning of the pandemic due to the possibility that Daesh or another terrorist organization could take advantage of the health scenario as a multiplier of the effects of an attack.


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