The Civil Guard detains two people and locates two plantations with more than 300 marijuana plants
The investigation began after identifying, during a mobility control established by the state of alarm, two people who were excessively nervous in the presence of the agents.
The now detainees went to the town of Fondón (Almería) on a regular basis to exploit two indoor marijuana crops
The Civil Guard has located in Almería two marijuana plantations with more than 300 plants and has arrested PVR, a neighbor of Berja (Almería) and JLGR, a neighbor of Adra, for crimes against public health (marijuana cultivation), fraud of electric fluid and serious disobedience.
The investigation began after identifying, during a mobility control established by the state of alarm, two people who were excessively nervous in the presence of the agents.
When asked about the reason for their displacement, they stated that they had moved to check the condition of a house they had rented in the area, and they were denounced for carrying out an illegal displacement. After inspecting the vehicle, they were also denounced for possession of narcotic substances when carrying cocaine and hashish in the vehicle.
Subsequently, the agents collected information on the activity that these two people carried out in the rented dwelling, obtaining numerous indications that demonstrated their presence sporadically but continuously in it, where they remained for short periods of time, keeping air conditioning devices running permanently.
For this reason, a surveillance device was established and it was found that these two people also visited another premises in the town of Fondón and from which a strong smell of marijuana emanated.
In the final phase of the investigation, the agents carried out an inspection of the two buildings, locating an indoor marijuana plantation in the house with 196 marijuana plants that were illegally supplied by the electricity grid, and a indoor plantation with 136 marijuana plants, a precision balance and 18 ecstasy pills.
For all this, P. V. R., a neighbor of Berja (Almería) and J. L. G. R., a neighbor of Adra, were arrested for crimes against public health (cultivation of marijuana), fraud of electric power and serious disobedience.
Both detainees had been denounced on several occasions for skipping the confinement decreed by the covid health crisis 19.
The proceedings, together with the detainees, have been delivered to the Court of First Instance and Instruction in guard duty in Berja (Almería).
For more information you can establish contact with the Peripheral Communication Office of the Civil Guard in Almería on the phone 950621956/680411337.