The Civil Guard dismantles a criminal organization dedicated to the sale and distribution of drugs in Oviedo

In the operation, 7 people have been arrested, including the leader of the organization, a history of the retail drug sale in Oviedo and his closest collaborators

In the records made, 6.5 kilograms of cocaine, almost 200 grams of speed, 1 kilogram of hashish, half a kilo of marijuana buds, more than € 97,000 in cash, 4 vehicles and 4 handguns have been intervened.

One of the detainees used as a means of hiding the cocaine to distribute it, the insulin vials that he carried on a regular basis – due to the diabetes he suffers

The Civil Guard, within the framework of the Russet operation, has dismantled a criminal organization dedicated to the sale and distribution of drugs in Asturias, proceeding to arrest 7 people and seize 6.5 kilograms of cocaine, almost 200 grams of cocaine. speed, 1 kilogram of hashish, half a kilo of marijuana buds, more than € 97,000 in cash, 4 vehicles and 4 handguns, giving 14 outlets disjointed.

The organization was led by a 65-year-old man, a neighbor of the Vallobín neighborhood (Oviedo), a historic one in the retail drug distribution environments in the capital and neighboring areas. At the same time, it had at least two collaborators from that locality for the distribution of narcotic substances.
The leader of the group dedicated his daily activities exclusively to the distribution of drugs in the retail modality, which brought him benefits over and above what wholesale sales would entail.
The investigations began at the beginning of this year, when the investigators learned of the existence of a group of people who could be engaging in drug trafficking and distribution in the retail modality, in the province of Oviedo.
As the investigation progressed, the agents were able to identify the members of said criminal group and the position each one held within the organization.
For this reason, at the beginning of this month, the Civil Guard proceeded to exploit the operation proceeding to enter and search three homes in the capital of the Principality and in which the leader of the gang and its principals had their domicile. collaborators.

Insulin vials

It should be noted that one of these collaborators used as a means of concealment for cocaine, the insulin vials that he carried on a regular basis – due to his diabetes. He left his house daily with several of these vials that he distributed at different points in the vehicle according to the quality of the cocaine that each vial carried.
The vials had a tab inside that gave access to the hole where the cocaine papers were hidden, with the identification or stamp of the cocaine on the inside of this lid or tab, to be able to differentiate its different qualities.
At the time of the arrest of the suspect, 16 of these vials were seized inside his usual vehicle, which contained approximately 100 pieces of paper prepared for distribution. In this way, he would have managed to avoid several police controls throughout the investigation.
With these arrests, this criminal group is considered dismantled as well as 14 drug outlets distributed throughout the town of Oviedo and its borders.
It should be noted that due to the mobility restrictions still present in the Principality of Asturias as a result of the pandemic, the development of the operation has been difficult.
The operation has been developed by the Organized Crime and Anti-Drug Team (EDOA) of the Organic Unit of the Judicial Police of the Civil Guard of Oviedo and directed by the Court of Instruction No. 3 of those of Oviedo (Asturias).


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