The Civil Guard dismantles a network dedicated to introducing large quantities of hashish into Spain using boats

45 people have been arrested for the alleged crimes of belonging to a criminal organization, against public health, illegal possession of weapons and money laundering

Criminals practiced sophisticated double bottoms in recreational vehicles and boats to transport cocaine and hashish

The operation has been developed in the provinces of Málaga, Cádiz, Almería, Huelva, Seville, Ceuta and Melilla

The Civil Guard, within the framework of the “Linked” operation, has dismantled a criminal organization dedicated to introducing large quantities of hashish into our country using high-speed boats, both recreational and semi-rigid, to later distribute them to other European countries.

45 people, of Spanish and Moroccan nationalities, have been arrested for the alleged crimes of belonging to a criminal organization, against public health, illegal possession of weapons and money laundering.

This operation began after learning of the existence of a criminal group that carried out sophisticated double funds in recreational vehicles and boats to transport narcotic substances, mainly hashish.

This group carried out these works at the request of another organization dedicated to introducing large amounts of hashish into our country using all kinds of boats.

This last organization had a high economic level that allowed them to acquire numerous boats that they kept in industrial warehouses that they rented in the provinces of Malaga and Cádiz. They only dumped them into the sea when they were going to carry out a drug transport.

The enormous infrastructure that this network had allowed it to operate simultaneously in several Andalusian towns. In this way he could introduce several boats loaded with drugs in various parts of the Andalusian geography, thus hindering the police investigation.

During the development of the operation, several actions were carried out against this organization when they transported drugs.

Keystroke sequence to open double bottoms

On some occasions, to open the double funds that they had previously carried out, it was necessary to enter a sequence of keystrokes on the original controls of the vehicle, a password that few members of the organization knew.

In the towns of Melilla, Ceuta and Huelva, three vehicles with drugs hidden in double funds were intervened and their drivers were arrested.

Likewise, in Almería the investigators seized a pleasure boat that hid hashish in a double bottom practiced in the hull of the same, for which the crew was arrested.

In these police interventions 1,600 kilos of hashish and 1 kilo of cocaine were seized. 5 high-speed boats were also intervened, one of them, a brand new powerful four-engine that had been acquired days before by the organization and that the agents intercepted when it was going to be transported to Almería. In addition, 4 pleasure boats were located (2 of them with double bottoms), all of them valued at more than 1,300,000 euros.

On the other hand, 12 searches have been carried out in the provinces of Malaga and Cádiz, where more than 45,000 euros in cash, 4,200 liters of gasoline, 8 cars, 2 trucks, 3 semi-trailers, 3 jet skis and 2 firearms have been intervened. , among other incriminating objects and documentation.

During the search of the industrial building, used to make the sophisticated double bottoms in different parts of vehicles and boats and located in a polygon in Malaga, the people who made them were arrested.

The operation has been jointly developed by agents belonging to the Malaga Civil Guard Command and OCON-SUR, who have had the support of the Rapid Action Group (GAR), the Helicopter Unit (UHEL) and the Maritime Service of the Civil Guard of Algeciras and Cádiz.

For more information, you can contact the Peripheral Communication Office (OPC) of the Malaga Civil Guard Command, on the phone number 952.071.539.


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