The Civil Guard frees five minors from a child prostitution network in Almería

10 people have been arrested, including the pimp of minors, for the alleged crimes of prostitution of minors, sexual exploitation, corruption of minors and abuse and assault on minors

The network was managed by a woman of legal age, who used a friendship relationship with the minors to sexually exploit them

The pimp was looking for clients through sexual contact and chat websites

Some of the clients were requesting services from the minors on a weekly basis for two years

The Civil Guard, within the framework of the TERCIARIA operation, has freed five minors in the province of Almería, who were being prostituted since 2019 when they were 13, 15 and 16 years old.
10 people have been arrested, including the pimp of minors, for the alleged crimes of prostitution of minors, sexual exploitation, corruption of minors and abuse and assault on minors.
The operation began in June 2020, after the complaint of the mother of one of the minors when she found a series of WhatsApp messages that revealed strange behavior on her daughter's mobile.
The investigation revealed that this minor, along with four others, was being prostituted. Everything was managed by a woman of legal age, who used a friendship relationship with the minors to exploit them sexually. The agents have verified how the now detained woman had built a network of clients through advertisements on sexually content chats and contact pages. He charged more than half of the money they received for the performance of each prostitution service, and on some occasions he personally transferred the minors to the meeting place with the clients.
These services, which began in the first months of 2019 and lasted for almost two years, were performed by minors in the homes of clients, in places chosen by them and in isolated parking lots in different municipalities of the province of Almería.
The operation has been developed in three phases. In the first, the pimp was arrested as the alleged perpetrator of the continuing crimes of child prostitution, sexual exploitation and corruption of minors. This woman entered prison and the minors were made available to their families, informing them of the activities of which their daughters were being victims.
In the second phase, the two most active members of the network have been arrested, who had up to three weekly meetings with the minors. Finally, in the last phase, the rest of the members of the customer network were arrested.
With this operation, carried out by agents belonging to the Organic Unit of the Judicial Police of the Command of the Civil Guard of Almería, it has been avoided that minors continue to be victims of this network.
The proceedings instructed by the Civil Guard, together with the detainees, were delivered to the Court of Instruction No. 2 of the Almería.
For more information, you can contact the Peripheral Communication Office of the Civil Guard Command of Almería on the phone 950621956/680411337.


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