The Civil Guard receives the Cross of Honor of Safety and Health at Work
The Lieutenant General Command of Personnel of the Body, Francisco Díaz Alcantud, has received this recognition at the closing ceremony of the II National Congress of the General Council of Occupational Safety and Health Professionals, which has been held in the Science Park of Pomegranate
The Seprona patrol of the Civil Guard of Aracena (Huelva) has received the Gold Medal for Professional Merit of Safety and Health at Work with green badge
The Civil Guard has received the Cross of Honor of Safety and Health at Work during the closing ceremony of the II National Congress of the General Council of Occupational Safety and Health Professionals, together with the development of the VI edition of the National Congress of Industrial and Environmental Hygiene (Technical Institute of Prevention, ITP), which has taken place in the Science Park of Granada.
This act has also recognized the work in favor of the environment of the Patrol of the Nature Protection Service of the Civil Guard of Aracena (Huelva) with the Gold Medal for Professional Merit of Safety and Health at Work with green badge
To complete this information you can contact the Peripheral Office of Communication of the Civil Guard of Granada, at 958.185419.