The Civil Guard releases 12 women victims of sexual exploitation

This criminal organization confined its victims in apartments located in the town of Barakaldo and in Rome (Italy)

The operation has been coordinated between the Civil Guard and Polizia di Stato, 15 arrests and 6 searches have been made in Spain and Italy

The degree of submission of the victims was extreme, become drugged and controlled by cameras that broadcast live

The Civil Guard within the framework of Operation TRILLÓN has dismantled a Criminal Organization dedicated to the Trafficking of Human Beings for the purpose of Sexual Exploitation in which it has been possible to free 12 women who were at the time of the intervention under their control. During the proceedings, the arrests of 15 individuals belonging to the criminal plot have been carried out to whom the alleged authorship of the crimes of Trafficking in Human Beings, Coercive Prostitution, Illegal Immigration and Criminal Organization are attributed, with further detentions planned.

The Operation for the liberation of the victims has been developed in a coordinated manner between the Civil Guard and the Squadra Mobile di Roma of Polizia di Stato, carrying out 6 simultaneous entries and searches in homes located in the cities of Rome and Barakaldo, the latter town where the dome of the Organization was based and from where it directed the activities of the same.

Extreme degree of submission

The disarticulated criminal plot used women mainly from Venezuela and Colombia, who abusing their situation of vulnerability and poverty were urged to leave their home countries, transferring them on flights to Italy and Spain. Once on the European continent, women were distributed among different floors located in the town of Barakaldo in Spain and Rome in Italy, where they were sexually exploited under the control of the Organization.
Every so often they were exchanged between the different floors and cities with the purpose of provoking an uprooting that allowed a better control over them, and to "offer" them as a novelty in order to attract a greater number of clients. More than 30 women who have gone through the control of this Organization in the last 2 years have been counted.
During the investigation, there was a total confinement of the victims on the floors where they exercised, with hardly any time to sleep and always under the total dominance of the Organization using individuals who were in charge of their surveillance and live broadcast cameras installed in the floors where they resided and were sexually exploited. This was complemented by coercion due to their irregular situation in the country and threats, even with firearms, thus exercising total control over them.
In addition, they forced the victims to carry out all kinds of sexual practices on demand of the clients, controlling both the work times and their collection, they even indicated that they consumed drugs with them to spend more time in their company and thus obtain a greater benefit.
The detainees, mostly of South American origin and settled in the town of Barakaldo, used several Biscayan neighbors of their confidence to carry out the transports since they were knowledgeable about the area.

The investigation has been directed by the Court of Instruction Nº4 of Barakaldo (Bizkaia) and in it agents of the Civil Guard of the Zone of the Basque Country and of the Central Operating Unit (UCO) supported by components of the Rural Action Group of the civil Guard.


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