The Civil Guard rescues several people on the same day in different parts of Castilla y León and Extremadura

A 64-year-old man was isolated by the snow, required urgent medication and had mobility problems

A 39-year-old woman from Badajoz was on a hiking route when the ice on the ground caused her to slip, suffering an ankle injury

A couple, who were hiking with a pet, had got lost in the mountains

The Civil Guard has rescued several people yesterday in different parts of Castilla y León and Extremadura. The rescues required the intervention of a helicopter from the Civil Guard Air Service and Specialist agents in Mountain Rescue and Intervention (GREIM).

Isolated and in need of urgent medication

The Civil Guard has rescued a 64-year-old man who was isolated by snow on a cattle farm since last January 8. This person, with significant mobility problems and a diabetic, urgently needed medication. In addition, different Civil Guard patrols, a helicopter from this Corps and another medicalized from SESCAM and civilian personnel participated in this action.
From the Town Hall of the town of Los Navalucillos, they contacted the Civil Guard to report that a neighbor was trapped by the snow, since last Friday, in a cattle farm located about six kilometers from the municipality, specifically in the place "Valtravieso". This person was reported to be diabetic and required insulin, walked on crutches, and had left with scant warm clothing.
Initially, several Citizen Security and SEPRONA Civil Guard teams, together with personnel from this Consistory and civilian personnel, tried to access the place, being impossible due to the large amount of fallen snow and the steep terrain, not even using heavy machinery Therefore, the air services of SESCAM and the Civil Guard were activated.
A helicopter from the Civil Guard Air Service, accompanied by an agent from the SEPRONA of Los Navalmorales and a volunteer knowledgeable about the terrain, were able to reach the place, finding this man in an apparent good state of health inside the farm where he was the cattle, for which he could be evacuated in the helicopter after being recognized by medical personnel also displaced in the medicalized helicopter. This person was then taken in a vehicle to the Los Navalmorales health center, where he was given the necessary insulin and underwent a general examination.

Rescued after suffering an ankle injury

The Civil Guard has rescued a hiker who suffered a fall yesterday while making a route through the so-called “La Chorrera” area, in the municipality of Hervás (Cáceres). The ice on the road caused the woman to slip, suffering an ankle injury that prevented her from continuing on her way.
Through 112, the Civil Guard at around 11:45 am, receives notice of the fall of a hiker who could not continue walking. The agents go to the place, having to walk part of the way until they reach the place where the woman was, as it is a walking route without vehicle access.
After several meters of ascent, the agents located the victim, a 39-year-old woman from Badajoz, who was with another person on a hiking route and after slipping, due to the existing ice sheets, presented a apparent ankle injury that prevented him from walking.
Faced with this situation, the agents improvised an immobilization of the affected area with sticks and bridles, in order to be able to transfer it to a better access site, carrying the woman on the back of one of the components.
After reaching an area with better access, and after immobilizing the ankle of the hiker, they proceeded to their aerial evacuation, due to the impossibility of doing it otherwise, given the difficulty of access to the area where they were .
The action has been carried out by Citizen Security agents from the Post of Zarza de Granadilla (Cáceres), as well as Specialists from the Mountain Rescue and Intervention Team (GREIM) from Barco de Ávila (Ávila), together with a helicopter from the Service Civil Guard Air Force and a Firefighters Team from Plasencia (Cáceres),

A couple lost in the mountains when it got dark

Once the rescue of the hiker was completed, the Guard received notice of a couple who had lost their way while hiking along a route between the limit of Salamanca and Ávila. Weather conditions urged rescue as night and fog approached.
GREIM agents and the Civil Guard Air Service helicopter travel there, rescuing the couple and their dog and later leaving them in the parking lot where they had started their route and had their private vehicle parked.
The Civil Guard thanks the citizens for their collaboration and recalls that the emergency telephone number of the Civil Guard, 062, is available 24 hours a day. Likewise, the existence of the free mobile application ALERTCOPS is reported so that in case of any eventuality they can contact the State Security Forces and Corps.
There are images available to the media at the link


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