The Civil Guard trains personnel from Centers for the Elderly and People with Intellectual Disabilities on CBRN for COVID-19

Said Instruction Plan is being carried out by the specialized team of NRBQ (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical Defense) of the Command

The staff of the Centers will receive information on preventive measures against the Covid-19 virus, consisting of the use of protection means, how to put on and take off PPE, s, among others.

The Civil Guard of Palencia, has started training days on health prevention measures to be adopted on the occasion of COVID-19 in the Centers for the Elderly and People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Said Instruction Plan will be carried out by the CBRN Team (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical Defense) of the Commandery of Palencia. From the start of the alarm state, it has been activated daily and 24 hours a day, before any requirement to act in contaminated areas or with infected people.

The personnel of the referred Centers will receive information on preventive measures against the Covid-19 virus, consisting of the use of protection means, the way to put on and take off PPE, s, storage and maintenance of such elements, personal hygiene measures against any scenario of exposure, isolation measures against any suspicion of coronavirus infection, disinfection and cleaning of both common and individual areas, and other risk scenarios that may occur.

For more information you can call the Peripheral Communication Office of the Civil Guard of Palencia, telephone 979-16.58.22 extension 113, or 696 90 02 88.


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