The Congress validates two royal decree laws with measures in the labor field to face the crisis of COVID-19

In what she has considered as an "unprecedented situation for our country", the Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, has defined the measures approved today as a necessity to "ensure that no one is left behind." Yolanda Díaz has explained that "saving lives, protecting people, placing them at the very center of our concerns as a government is the end of the decrees that we are bringing up for debate today."

Royal Decree-Law 9/2020 specifies measures for the protection of workers and companies that can take advantage of the ERTE to suspend activity for the duration of this exceptional period without destroying the productive and labor fabric of our country.

This Royal Decree-Law prohibits dismissals from being justified, alleging causes related to COVID-19 and provides for the protection of temporary workers, interrupting the maximum computation of their contracts if they are suspended in the pandemic. In addition, the procedure is streamlined so that those affected by ERTE receive their benefit, since only the collective application that the company has to present without requiring individual processing will be necessary.

Royal Decree-Law 9/2020 prevents ERTE from being applied and, therefore, closing the activity of health centers and care for dependents, considering these activities as essential in a time of health emergency.

Recoverable paid leave

Royal Decree-Law 10/2020 of March, which regulates a recoverable paid leave for employed persons who do not provide essential services in order to reduce the mobility of the population in the context of the fight against COVID-19 responds to the need to avoid all displacements except those necessary to maintain the activities indicated as essential in a suitable temporary environment such as Easter and at a decisive moment in the evolution of the pandemic.

The validity of this recoverable paid leave has lasted between March 30 and April 9, both days inclusive.

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