The Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia, CEA, hosted within its Equality Council the presentation of several business cases of good practices in Conciliation and Equality that allow "to illuminate ideas and proposals to extend among Andalusian companies", as explained by Ana Alonso, president of the Council and the Andalusian Federation of Women Entrepreneurs, FAME.

These cases are those of Azvi, Mercadona and Coca Cola European Partners, which have been presented by Isabel Contreras, Laura Cruz and Beatriz Codes, respectively, and who stand out for their focus and excellence in reconciling the “social, labor and life” family, ”as noted by the president of CEA, Javier González de Lara, who has intervened at the opening of the session.

A fundamental right

In this sense, González de Lara recalled that "equality is a fundamental right of our constitutional order and a legitimate and necessary social aspiration that we share from the world of companies and their organizations."

Therefore, the president of CEA has shown the willingness of the Andalusian business organization to “enrich the I Plan of Action in Conciliation of the Ministry and provide ideas for its development through this Equality Council ”.

Collaboration and participation

A collaboration and participation that González de Lara has also offered for the Strategic Equality Plan that the Board must carry out in the coming months and the Plan for the Wage Gap foreseen in the last modification of the Equality Law of Andalusia.

After his intervention and in introduction to the presentation of success stories, Ana Alonso recalled that CEA's commitment to equality is a “committed, comprehensive and committed commitment, from a corporate vision of society and with our legitimate and necessary link to its general interests. ”

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