Article 18 of the aforementioned order indicates that "educational centers may be opened for disinfection, conditioning and for the performance of administrative functions." During the performance of these tasks, "a physical distance of two meters must be guaranteed" between workers. The order adds that "it will be the responsibility of the directors of the educational centers to determine the teaching and auxiliary personnel necessary to carry out the aforementioned tasks."

The directors must also ensure that "adequate cleaning and disinfection measures are adopted for the characteristics and intensity of use of the centers." In cleaning tasks "special attention will be paid to common use areas and the most frequent contact surfaces such as door knobs, tables, furniture, handrails, floors, telephones, hangers, and other elements with similar characteristics."

Hygiene measures, which apply to all establishments that resume their activity in phase 1, include the use "of disinfectants such as dilutions of freshly prepared bleach (1:50) or any of the disinfectants with virucidal activity found in the market and that has been authorized by the Ministry of Health. "

The facilities must be ventilated periodically "as a minimum, daily and for five minutes." The toilets must be disinfected at least six times a day. The centers should also have "bins, if possible with a lid and a pedal, in which to deposit tissues" and which should be cleaned at least once a day.

In addition, in the case of educational centers, the order details that "the circulation of people and the distribution of spaces must be modified, when necessary" to guarantee interpersonal safety distances. To the extent possible, the use of paper documents and their circulation will be limited. On the other hand, "the places of attention to the public will have separation measures between the workers of the educational center and the users."

The order establishes that the centers will be the ones that "must provide their workers with the necessary protection material to carry out their functions."

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