The regulation that addresses its implementation comes into effect on June 11 and sets a three-year deadline for EU countries to adapt their communication systems.

The Official Journal of the European Union has published the Regulation (EU) 2019/816 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 17 April 2019, which establishes the creation of a centralized information system with the identity of those non-EU citizens who have been sentenced in a final judgment in the EU member countries. The Regulation will enter into force on June 11 and grants a period of three years for States to adapt their communication systems.

The implementation of this database complements the European Criminal Record Information System (ECRIS) so that judicial bodies and other operators with access to criminal information of EU citizens can also know the identity of the convicted in the different States that are natural of third countries, stateless or whose nationality is unknown.

Once the system is in operation, the Ministry of Justice, at the request of judicial bodies or national public bodies that require it, may consult the database that will automatically inform you in which Member States are convictions against the citizen on whom the information is requested. Next, he will make a request for criminal records to these States as it is currently done with respect to EU citizens.

The system will be composed of alphanumeric and fingerprint identity data and the possible incorporation and use of facial images is foreseen.

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