The number of trips amounted to 61.1 million (-5.4%) and the trips had an average duration of 6.2 overnight stays (+ 3.8%), according to data from the Resident Tourism Survey (FAMILITUR) developed by the National Statistics Institute.
For the acting Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, these data demonstrate "the improvement in profitability of the tourism sector when there is an increase in spending and the average duration despite the lower number of trips and confirms that the trend of resident tourists is similar to that of international visitors. "
From July to September, trips for leisure, recreation and vacations continue to be the main reason for traveling in 61.8% of cases (-2.5%), of which 38.3% correspond to summer vacations . Residents make more and more trips to foreign countries that grow by 3.2% and represent 11.9% of the total. However, the main destination remains the national territory with 88.1% of the total (-6.4%).
With regard to spending, on trips to national destination rose 2.1% and those made abroad 1.4%. The average daily expenditure stood at 41 euros on trips with internal destination and 97 euros on trips abroad.
The main autonomous communities of destination of the trips of the residents in the third quarter of 2019 are Andalusia (18.0% of the total), Comunitat Valenciana (12.3%) and Catalonia (11.7%). Eliminating the effect of the size of each community, the most travelers are residents of the Community of Madrid (1,860 trips per 1,000 inhabitants), Aragon (1,559) and the Basque Country (1,363). On the contrary, the least travelers are residents of the Balearic Islands (686 trips per 1,000 inhabitants), Cantabria (906) and Extremadura (1,002).
In the first nine months of 2019, trips made by residents exceeded 153 million, 1.7% lower than the same period last year. Internal travel decreased 2.6%, while foreign travel increased 7.0%. On the other hand, total spending grew 2.7%. Internal trips up 3.2% and those made abroad 1.7%.