The event was attended by the president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, and the director of the Women's Institute, Beatriz Gimeno, to support the initiative, whose main objective is to give real impetus to women in the field of senior management.
The CEOE CEO has described this project as "shared success", as more than 830 women have participated in it. "Since CEOE we have been actively involved in this program from the beginning, really committing ourselves to the promotion of women to senior management positions," Garamendi explained.
For its part, the director of the Women's Institute has pointed to the Promociona project as an example, since “society cannot do without half of the talent and Promociona is an awareness tool”.
The event has also had the participation of Isabel Tocino as godmother (vice president of Santander Bank) and Jorge Badía as godfather (CEO of Cuatrecasas). On the other hand, the CEO of CampusE Campus, María Teresa Gómez Condado, and the Director of the Promociona Project, Susana Sanchiz, participated.
The Promociona Project, which has the ESADE business school as an academic partner, seeks to improve and boost women's access to management positions, management committees and business administration councils, moving towards shared leadership.
58% of the people who graduate every year from universities are women, but this reality is not projected in the labor market or in business schools, and women continue to access much less than men to the positions of greater responsibility Hence it important to promote projects like this, that create synergies and joint collaborations with companies, organizations and public institutions.
The Promociona Project already has seven editions in which 600 companies and 834 women managers have participated, of which 51% have promoted. Given the success of Spain, the project already has four editions in Chile and one in Portugal.
Promociona has a complete program that includes specific training to strengthen the professional and leadership skills of women with high potential, coaching and cross-mentoring sessions, as well as raising awareness among companies and business organizations about balance in decision making and need to identify and retain female talent in them.