8.6 million euros are allocated from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and 3.3 million euros from the General State Administration.
The Sectoral Conference on Fisheries, chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, today approved the allocation between the Autonomous Communities of 12,061,667 euros, intended to finance the aid for the temporary cessation of activity fishing for the Mediterranean and the Gulf of Cádiz.
Specifically, the financial distribution commitment corresponding to the 2018 stop calendar was approved, as well as the calendar and financial distribution of 2019. To this are added other pending amounts, whose transfer was agreed to include in the distribution of today at the meeting of the Sectoral Commission last February.
Thus, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (FEMP) has been distributed to finance the stops for 2019, worth 8,692,143 euros and a total of 3,369,524 euros from the General Administration's funds. State.