It should be noted that this is a last generation agreement, broad and deep, that not only provides for the elimination of a large part of tariffs, but also includes very ambitious chapters in areas related to services, such as telecommunications and postal services; public procurement; trade facilitation; the technical standards; sanitary and phytosanitary standards; and intellectual property.

The agreement also includes the protection of numerous designations of origin and geographical indications of Spanish agri-food products, as well as the establishment of a framework that will allow the validation of engineering, architecture and accounting degrees, among other professions. In short, the agreement improves the conditions of access of goods, services and investments to a third market, with a shared regulatory framework, and that guarantees equal competition.

With this agreement the third enters into force in the Indo Pacific region (South Korea, Japan and Singapore) and the first in the community of countries that make up the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. In addition, for the EU it is a crucial step in the expansion of European values ​​and standards.

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