The Government, through the Labor and Social Security Inspection, has launched in the first half of this year a specific campaign for comprehensive review of working conditions in the tourist accommodation sector, in particular floor waitresses , according to the third semiannual report on the execution of the Master Plan for Decent Work 2018-2020, presented last Friday to the Council of Ministers by the acting Minister of Labor, Migration and Social Security, Magdalena Valerio.
For the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, “this campaign shows the Government's commitment to improve the quality of employment in the tourism sector, in particular the waitresses / floor, since it allows a comprehensive control of the conditions of service provision of this group especially punished by low wages, work rhythms and overexertion. Likewise, the modification of article 42.1 of the Workers' Statute is urgent, which will equalize the conditions between permanent and external workers and that will be a priority in the next term.
This campaign is part of the measure 14 included in the Master Plan and for its development has been approved by the Directorate of the State Agency for Labor Inspection and Social Security (OEITSS) Instruction No. 3/2019 for the planning and development of the campaign on working conditions in the hospitality sector. The campaign has the virtuality of being the first one, in the field of labor relations, which is aimed at the tourist accommodation sector, and its purpose is the review, on an integral basis, of the working conditions of the workers that make up the sector, providing special attention to those who are hired through multiservice companies and temporary work companies, in particular floor waitresses.
Likewise, in 2019, a specific campaign on musculoskeletal risks for the group of waitresses / os of the floor continues and others with a clear impact on the sector and that have already been carried out in previous years, such as those relating to psychosocial risks or health and safety conditions with a gender approach.
These initiatives are framed in the Sustainable Development Goals. Its objective is to recover labor rights, improve the quality of employment and working conditions, protect the safety and health of workers, and ensure fair competition between companies in the labor market.
Results of the Shock Plans
The results of the Shock Plans included in the Master Plan executed between August 2018 and January 2019 have improved the working conditions of 14,000 workers in the hospitality sector. In relation to the Plan of shock against fraudulent temporary hiring, the total number of contracts transformed in the hospitality sector amounted to 9,466, which represents 71.70% of the total number of workers affected by communications. Of the total contracts, 4,429 are men (46.8%) and 5,037 women (53.2%).
Regarding the weight of the transformations in hospitality in relation to all sectors of activity (61,445 transformations), it implied 15.40%.
In relation to the Crash Plan against the irregular use of part-time hiring, the day has been increased by 4,090 contracts, which represents 15.89% of the total workers in the sector affected by the Crash Plan. Of these, 1,810 are men (44.3%) and 2,280 women (55.7%).
As regards the weight of the day extensions in the hospitality sector in relation to all activity sectors (8,824 day extensions), it accounted for 46.35%.
These increases have a direct effect on the rights of these workers (for the purposes of future benefits) and, in turn, on the Social Security collection capacity.